AlexJohan's Replies

I think most, if not all Americans would be very happy with contribution directly to Israel. If all Americans that make $100K or less per year would face a 5% increase in TAX that would go directly to Israel they would approve it. People that make more than $100K would be exempt from the TAX increase. Jews would also be exempt even if they make less than $100K. I agree with OP, Binden need to focus on Israel. Focus on the Jews that live in America and make plans for an invasion of Iran. Imagine the respect he would harvest for making the world a better place with more freedom. George Soros Soros was born in Budapest in the Kingdom of Hungary to a Jewish family! Turning test screenings the 3 groups all 16-27 years old had problems connecting young Elise & old Elise. Many did not understand the connection. The dubbing helped immensely in that age bracket. Target audience. Having worked for Jewish principals for years I must admit they have a financer persona. Nice guys but terrible when it comes to distribute the shekels. Its challenging and frustrating not being paid for your work. Russel was in his right to become angry. Not here in the office but I can certainly grab some screenshots from the DVD later. I did have my picture taken with Wes Craven and I did hang out a lot with Fairuza Balk. I was an extra on Starship Troopers as well. Shot my part at Kaiser Hospital in LA that doubled for a High School. Never made the final cut, just part of the crowd, unrecognizable. I never “made it” too much drugs, very little substance. Watching this again tonight ! No (covid19) face masks (or vaccine ) required on Scream, or the Stab sequence ! I was lucky enough to have a walk on part in the original back in 1995. This film was a big deal back in the 90s. I’m seen roaming the school halls, at a party and briefly in a classroom. I was also an extra on Scream 2 in 96 standing in line for Stab and inside the movie theater. Anyway this follow-up was quite disappointing. Lacking everything that made the first film “great” Google and its subsidiary companies, such as YouTube, have removed or omitted information from its services, in order to comply with The New company's policies, legal demands, and government censorship laws. No May 2nd 2020! He was banned by talking about covid19, about the conspiracies surrounding it, how even google searches have hidden information suggestion this to be a huge scam. I would love to see him run in a few years. Many will argue that Jews have earned the right to be sarcastic towards gentiles. Many argue that Jews rise to the top like cream and that America is mentally Inferior to say…Israel. Hes a highly respected Jewish producer and director. Remember the boys he raped was fresh off the bus gentiles. All lives matter but dime a dozen Idaho kids don’t carry much weight ( In LA ). In Rambo 2 he never once tried to have sex with Julia Nickson. This may be an indicator that he in fact was suffering from sexual trauma. Dear Thomas He claims to be a Zionist, he claims love Jews. Is he lying ? Hopefully we will see money, hard cash, and support going to Israel when he wins. If that is true, it would make him a populist. A man that turn every which way for a buck! Someone who can not be trusted to give Israel unconditional support and money. Sabotage was shot during winter in Atlanta. The ending was shot during summer I Los Angeles. The studio edited the film and removed several sequences and sub plots. They also struggled with the ending. What the studio ( finally ) wanted was a more upbeat ending and a different finale was shot. Ayer, not officially, aren’t too happy with the final product. Thank God, a friend sent me these : Goyim Joe Biden has my vote. He is truly a friend of Israel.