degree7's Replies

Ya ya, it’s up to you to provide some kind of empirical evidence that the private sector’s economic efficiency has been severely impacted by this tidal wave of unqualified workers you’re imagining. Because that’s not an argument I’m making, but one you pulled out of your arse. So be my guest. I’m not going to do your own research to support your strawman for you. Heh. What you can’t seem to grasp with your pigeon-sized brain is that a company hiring someone less qualified merely on the basis of their race would be in direct <b>violation of the law.</b> In all honesty, your argument is retarded because you’re requiring me to provide evidence that I literally don’t have. I’m not an employer or talent scout who has all the test scores of applicants for a job, idiot. How exactly am I supposed to prove <i>they’re</i> qualified? Who exactly are <i>they/<i> anyway? Are you saying minorities are inherently not qualified? Are you an idiot racist? I think so. I want to say hair plugs or extensions. Whatever it is, it defies science. Wow, I’ve never seen someone talk themselves into a corner so fast before. I’m not “forcing” anyone, it’s already a law. It’s called the civil rights act of 1964. It basically means someone isn’t going to be discriminated against for employment based upon their age, race, religion, or gender. Do you even American bruh? Cripple fight! That’s not how burden of proof works. <blockquote> it means hiring different people, who obviously won't be the most qualified ones.</blockquote> Nah. That’s not how it works. No company would hire someone unqualified for the job just because they’re a minority. Change my mind. Something tells me you have a party to attend to while wearing a pillow case. That’s a double negative, and you should feel ashamed. Affirmative action doesn’t mean that someone less qualified is going to get hired, numbnuts. The Matrix and Lord of the Rings had a horrible puke-green tint on blu ray. The way the scene is shot, the director intended for Ripley to just lash out at Dickie with whatever object was close at hand. If it had been a newspaper or cup of coffee, Ripley would have thrown that, but it just so happened the oar was the only thing nearby. In reality, Dickie’s wound would be a fairly superficial one. The forehead tends to bleed a lot due to the higher concentration of blood in that area, so it looked worse than it was. Will saw no good use for the information. He had a photographic memory, so advanced knowledge to him was as natural as breathing. He was a savant, but he also saw no value in materialism, because to him it was all phony. He saw more merit in living a blue collar existence. It’s rumoured William Goldman did uncredited script rewrites. The movies were a lot better that’s for sure. Also I guess in the pre-world-wide-web and cell phone age the world felt a lot bigger. Nowadays, you can see what’s happening in Mumbai or Cape Town at the press of a button, but 30 years ago you had to go by your local television station, radio, or newspaper solely. Now we are inundated with information more than ever. My female manager usually pisses me off most of the time, but I learn to take it because of how much worse it’d be if she were a man. If I worked with a jackass male manager we’d probably end up in fisticuffs and I’d be arrested. They actually borrowed that keyboard riff from a song called “Bombay Calling” by It’s a Beautiful Day. You are a monster Am I going to walk around and rip your fuckin post down, in the middle of while you’re writing? Then why the fuck are you posting right through? Ah-da-da-dah, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you? What don't you fuckin understand? You got any fuckin idea about, hey, it's fucking distracting having somebody posting on this message board while I’m in the middle of browsing? Give me a fucking answer! What don't you get about it? I wholeheartedly agree. It also has one of the best uses of an ending where the main character is shot multiple times and lying in a state of semi-consciousness, his thoughts providing the narration, where his life is in limbo and survival ambiguous. Many films have used this trope, from Carlito’s Way to In Bruges, but I think DG does it more poetically with a wonderful ironic twist: he spent so long trying to get clean and now he’s on his way to the biggest pharmacy in town. That’s why Albert Finney turned down his knighthood, because he believed it perpetuated class snobbery.