degree7's Replies

Oh Lol, yeah I meant remote activated. Not sure what you mean The Flash? Boooh, we want The Dark Knight Returns. The cheesiness is just melodrama. This is Spielberg letting out his inner Frank Capra. Frankly, I wish all common denominator filmmakers were as well versed in the cinematic form. Pet Seminary Invasion of the Wedding Crashers It’s post-postmodern art Still a good movie and 100x better than Crystal Turd. Yeah, films about high school probably aren’t culturally relevant anymore. No one is trying to “edit Jews out of history.” If anything it’s being historically accurate. The proper translation of “Ioudaios” is not Jew but Judean. Most leading scholars agree that referring to Jesus as a Jew is anachronistically ascribing him according to 5th and 6th Century rabbinic views of the Babylonian Talmud. Even then, members of the House of Israel referred to each other as “Israelites.” Calling them Jews is simply historically incorrect. Or remote activated bombs? The tripods seemed to have an obvious weakness when isolated. Luring then into urban areas and someone running up and attaching a mine or IED to their legs would cause enough damage to fight back. Also, no mention of using nukes? Agreed. Pure blonde perfection Alien is basically Die Hard from the alien’s perspective. In the DC, Dallas is still alive after being attacked and captured in the vents. He’s taken to the nest and cocooned. Dallas eventually died last when Ripley immolates him. Y'know, I've come across a lot of psychos, but none as fucking boring as you. You are a real boring fuck. Sorry, sorry, I know you disapprove of swearing so I'll sort that out. You are a boring F, star, star, CUNT! I advise you the same. <blockquote>And I will say this again more plainly. Economic violence is violence, not non-violence. Start counting the people who die through starvation, like in Ukraine in the 1930s. It is a lot more vicious when a totalitarian government does it, so it helps to make the point.</blockquote> I wasn't aware of any people starving to death in South Africa due to international pressure against apartheid. Anyway, the problem with the inevitable comparisons to Hitler when we talk about non-violent resistance is that it fails to take into account the bystander effect. The Nazis were only able to carry out their genocide with the cooperation of the average person, i.e. neighbors selling out their neighbors. Without that cooperation, they would never have been able to accomplish any mass killings. You're a special kinda stupid aren't ya lmao So you're criticizing me for pointing out that religious scripture is unreliable? Do you have any idea how stupid of an argument that is? ALL religious scripture is unreliable, as I deftly showed when I eviscerated your precious black book. Nah, you're better off sticking with the argument I already gave you. Go on cupcake. It was called "The Judean War." Jews were referred to as Judeans at the time. The idea of being "Jewish" only came about centuries later.