LiquidOcelot's Replies

Hiding behind 'it's my opinion' does not mean you are exempt from criticism. Opinions can be stupid, especially when they're not backed up with any substance. Here's one - 'Seth Rogen is a better actor than Daniel Day Lewis'. Well your opinion has zero substance and you're being called out on it. Lol such an exaggeration. It's clearly a exceptionally crafted movie hence the 11 Oscars. You can dislike aspects of the movie but it's an exceptionally well made movie on many fronts. Just made a new thread about 'The Passion Pit' but then remembered this one. Yes 'Chx' is the one I was referring to. Hated her. I wish there were archives of all the classic threads. Classic. You got reamed here buddy. Ran off with your tail between your legs. Dickhead. Bump. Ruined your life bud. Ego shattered. LOL at won that debate. You got a historical ass-whooping. Well I agree with the OP. Remember this buddy when I ruined your life lmao. That doesn't excuse bad acting. Batman and Robin is actually a great unintentional comedy, TDKR has no redeeming qualities. Hi, I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat right over there? So he figured out...time navigation? Same thing. We're talking about superhero movies you pedantic asshole. The general public have no idea which year Black Panther was introduced. He was skinny fat in the original X-Men. Then he started injecting steroids. I don't think they want to be ethnically white, they want fairer skin. That's like saying white people want to be Asian/Black because they fake tan their skin to look brown. Oh shut the fuck up you little Dark Knight dweeb. Acting like this movie has any real depth, it doesn't. Well that's the point I was making. There's a threshold where if you see too much it destroys the intrigue you have in a woman. This is what this movie does to Batman.