MovieChat Forums > LiquidOcelot > Replies
LiquidOcelot's Replies
The joke doesn't work because Lloyd doesn't have the mental fortitude or intelligence to pull something like that off. It just seemed like one of those lazy jokes that sounds funny on paper but looks goofy and implausible on film.
LOL run off with your tail between your legs. Let this be a lesson, next time don't send a condescending reply acting like you know what you're talking about or you risk being thoroughly put in your place. I know you're reading this you cowardly little dweeb.
<blockquote>You do not even appear to understand you can purchase burgers which are just beef/pepper/salt something I have done for over a decade before I started to make my own.</blockquote>
You understand what a cheeseburger is right? It's the whole shebang, not just a beef patty. Here's some help -
Shit for brains.
<blockquote>How can you get fat by consuming fat only you cant eat enough of it you do not even understand this and you clearly have never eaten a diet without carbs.</blockquote>
I don't even know what you're blathering about now. A cheeseburger is not just fat, shit for brains. There is no chance you spent a decade teaching nutrition, you have no idea what you're talking about.
<blockquote>Yes some store purchased burgers can be full of rubbish but most proper burgers will be mince meat that is it with some salt and some pepper which is healthy.</blockquote>
So you concede that your initial comment was in fact incorrect and now you're backtracking. This is what you said -
<i>If you eat just cheese and burgers you would not become fat maybe learn something about nutrition</i>
And now you're bartering about the type of burger to avoid admitting your comment was nonsensical. And you're still wrong. The beef is just one component. A cheeseburger typically consists of a refined carb burger bun, processed American cheese, and sauce loaded with sugar and table salt.
And even all that aside, even if this magic hypothetical burger that you've pulled out your ass is unprocessed, you can still get fat from it depending on how much you eat. You can get fat from overeating organic steak. Your comment was stupid and nonsensical. Next time think before you type.
<blockquote>Yes I know nothing about nutrition I suppose the over 3 decades I spent in a lab conducting research to do with human diseases and being a senior lecture for another decade about nutrition means i'm clueless on the subject.</blockquote>
It means you're a shit for brains that's a failure to your craft. Assuming you're telling the truth in the first place since your posts are full of bullshit and lack a basic fundamental understanding of how weight gain works.
Good thing burgers are quite balanced in macros.
Your reasoning is retarded and shallow.
Yeah i'm not saying it's realistic, I was just answering the question how many burgers can the average man eat before putting on weight.
If you're an average male your maintenance calories are probably around 2200 calories per day. A Big Mac has 550 calories, so technically you could eat 4 Big Macs a day (and nothing else) and you would maintain your weight assuming you move a normal amount.
Depends on your age/height and how sedentary you are.
Female karate champions are not fat. She is not playing an average woman off the street.
Cheeseburgers are full of processed crap so clearly you know fuck all about nutrition. And regardless, cheeseburgers tend to be high in calories so yes, you can absolutely become fat from eating them. Weight gain is primarily determined by calories in/calories out, not how processed the food is. You can eat a completely processed diet and still be slim if your calorie intake is low enough. Weight and health are not synonymous. Go back to nutrition school jackass. It's hilarious how you came in here thinking you knew what you were talking about.
Says the colossal douche-nozzle that thinks it's still cool to type in caps in 2024. Grow the fuck up.
That doesn't really make us hypocrites since she chose to be in the public eye and gets paid handsomely for it. Part of that package deal is being critiqued by the public.
If a $178m budget movie is not making a profit after grossing $791m then the movie business is dead. MI6 definitely made a healthy profit otherwise the two sequels wouldn't have been greenlit.
Well of course that's an excuse. It was an accident.
This franchise is dead.
How do you feel about Tyson Fury now? I think he looked much better than he actually was because Wilder was tailor made for him. He barely knows the boxing basics.
<blockquote>Margot Robbie & Amy Adams represent the beauty standard that white women aspire to</blockquote>
You've pulled those two names straight out of your ass. Nobody gives a damn about a 50 year old Amy Adams. They are not the beauty standard any more than the Kardashians and Megan Fox who DO fake tan, who DO get lip fillers and even inject their asses. If you're going to accuse Beyonce of trying to look more white then have some intellectual consistency and accuse the countless white women tanning their skin and blowing up their lips of trying to emulate ethnic features.
<blockquote>They don't fake tan and neither do most white women.</blockquote>
Most black women don't lighten their skin either. Intellectual consistency seems to escape you.
<blockquote>Tanning turns a white person's skin into a slightly less pale shade of white. That's the goal. It's not "I want to look darker"</blockquote>
Lol how convenient. They darken their skin but they don't want to look darker...yeah that makes a lot of sense. But let me guess, if a black person lightens their skin they want to look white? Again, intellectual consistency escapes you. Or you're just a complete dumbass.
<blockquote>There are not "countless" white celebrities who fake tan.</blockquote>
Not just celebrities but this current generation of white women are obsessed with looking like Kardashian clones who all fake tan and blow up their lips.
<blockquote>If black women bleach their skin to look white then so be it, don't pawn off their pathetic insecurities onto white women who tan.</blockquote>
Lol it seems i've triggered your own insecurities big time. Not just tan, white women are also insecure about their flat asses and thin lips. White women blowing up their lips and asses while getting fake tans is rampant in this current generation.
By the way i'm neither white nor black so it's hilarious seeing your triggered response. I have the ability to be objective here, you don't.
Make it clickable next time you epic dickhead.
Yeah, I just downloaded it and it's not very entertaining. Walsh isn't charismatic or funny unless it's unintentional. He should've just made a straight documentary.
Yes, because they represent all white women. There are countless white celebrities that make a conscious effort to fake tan and make their skin darker.
Now show some pictures of the countless white celebrities that used to be pale and now have considerably darker skin and lip fillers.