MovieChat Forums > Beyoncé Discussion > Morphing into a white woman?

I think that's just the lighting and exposure settings on the 2023 image.


Probably lighting and filters. But still hilarious that she has now same skin tone and Kardashians. Which only highlights difference between mixed-raced ligh skinned people and dark-skined black people. One is not like the other. And one is not black yet pretend they are for woke points and oppression cards.

You can't go to Africa, looking like Beyounce or Zendaya and tell locals you are black. Its was impossible to "confuse" white Kardashian and black Beounce back in the 60-th.

Black people are being whitewashed in USA at rapid pace. They get lighter and lighter each generation. But still pretend they are "oppressed blacks" like Meghan Markle. LOL. Look at NBA players. Sometimes when you look from afar you can't even tell who is white and who is black. Because those "blacks" are so mixed raced that they have same skin color and whites. And only when you look close at their face features you can see some africans.

This case with Beyonce is very speaking. When she put white wig - she looks like a "tanned white". Same happens with Zendaya. Type "Zendaya blonde" in google.

What I would like to know where Beyonce got her white side from. Mommy either cheated with white man. Or who were mommys parents? When you look at B's mom - she is almost white. Are there any pictures of Beyonce with her maternal grandparents?

I looked up. There is family tree. With pictures and all. And you can see there that Mommy Knowles has barely any blacks in her heritage. Tina's great-grandmother is listed as mulatto (her daddy was white) and great-grandfather is white.

People should have always call Beyonce who she is - mixed-race, not black.


She learned it from Michael Jackson.


Now show some pictures of the countless white celebrities that used to be pale and now have considerably darker skin and lip fillers.


true - odd, isn't it?
And everyone is looking more and more plasticky.


I googled margot robbie and amy adams and they still look white to me.


Yes, because they represent all white women. There are countless white celebrities that make a conscious effort to fake tan and make their skin darker.


Margot Robbie & Amy Adams represent the beauty standard that white women aspire to. They're the type of female you've seen in every single make-up & fashion commercial since advertising began. They don't fake tan and neither do most white women.

Tanning turns a white person's skin into a slightly less pale shade of white. That's the goal. It's not "I want to look darker", it's "I want to look less like an irish ginger who's spent the whole summer indoors avoiding sunlight". If you think whites tan to look black or brown, then you're a moron.

There are not "countless" white celebrities who fake tan. Stop making things up. If black women bleach their skin to look white then so be it, don't pawn off their pathetic insecurities onto white women who tan. They are nothing alike, and are not done for the same reasons.


Margot Robbie & Amy Adams represent the beauty standard that white women aspire to

You've pulled those two names straight out of your ass. Nobody gives a damn about a 50 year old Amy Adams. They are not the beauty standard any more than the Kardashians and Megan Fox who DO fake tan, who DO get lip fillers and even inject their asses. If you're going to accuse Beyonce of trying to look more white then have some intellectual consistency and accuse the countless white women tanning their skin and blowing up their lips of trying to emulate ethnic features.

They don't fake tan and neither do most white women.

Most black women don't lighten their skin either. Intellectual consistency seems to escape you.

Tanning turns a white person's skin into a slightly less pale shade of white. That's the goal. It's not "I want to look darker"

Lol how convenient. They darken their skin but they don't want to look darker...yeah that makes a lot of sense. But let me guess, if a black person lightens their skin they want to look white? Again, intellectual consistency escapes you. Or you're just a complete dumbass.

There are not "countless" white celebrities who fake tan.

Not just celebrities but this current generation of white women are obsessed with looking like Kardashian clones who all fake tan and blow up their lips.

If black women bleach their skin to look white then so be it, don't pawn off their pathetic insecurities onto white women who tan.

Lol it seems i've triggered your own insecurities big time. Not just tan, white women are also insecure about their flat asses and thin lips. White women blowing up their lips and asses while getting fake tans is rampant in this current generation.

By the way i'm neither white nor black so it's hilarious seeing your triggered response. I have the ability to be objective here, you don't.


If only I cared.


And still stunningly beautiful! 😊


Haven't gone to tanning salon for quite a while?
