JohnMcCock's Replies

Don't mind him. He keeps bashing Rian Johnson and call people who love (or simply don't hate it) the 8th Star Wars movie fanboys... without even realizing that he, himself, is the worst kind of fanboy. Btw, he does selective reading and only considers what gives him "argument "for his childish bashing. I used to have an acting teacher who would use DiCaprio as a prime example of overrated actor. Oddly enough, he would use names like Sylvester Stallone as an example of underrated actors. Go figure.. "but Di Caprio and Diaz are both underrated in that movie so much." Nah, next to Day-Lewis, DiCaprio looked like a child trying to play a sport with older kids in the playground (acting wise). Wow, sorry man I didn't quote the right thing and just now realized. XD That was the quote of the poster I answered to just before you. XD That was fail.. Anyways, THIS is what I meant to quote: "His other films are more like pornographic comedies that make you want to watch the violent scenes and crazy people because they are stimulating. This film is not stimulating." " I tend to rate Gangs of New York a lot higher than most other Scorsese fans." So this is how you describe Scosese's films? Wow.. "My top choice is Silence" It's odd, indeed. But well, each his own. " I tend to rate Gangs of New York a lot higher than most other Scorsese fans." I too (myself a Scorsese fan) rate that movie higher than most people. I ove that flick. It's a period movie and really put you back in time. However, I can see why not everyone likes it like us. WEll, as I said, Leonardo DiCaprio is overrated. "He also "got his" recently, so, there's that." Aannndddd didn't deserve it. Leonardo "overrated" DiCaprio (even some members of the Razzie awards agree with that). That being said, he would deserve it for Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood though. Yes Glenn Close, sorry. And DiCaprio sucked balls in The Revenant, so again, Oscars are a joke sometimes. "oversexed" WTF?? Did we watch the same movies?? "I don't wanna marry either or have children" Dumb cow... Precisely. Welcome to 21st century, and there's nothing wrong with it imo. "For the record, while I was a fan of Tarantino’s alternate history of Tate et al, I felt the over-the-top brutality (a trademark of his I know) of “the hippies” took any “realism” out of the scene. I am sure many who saw this with ZERO Tarantino film experience were more than turned off by it." Annndddd it's the exact reason why the violence in his movies is artistic and not shocking. And I think you are making some assumptions here.. Moron.. "people are upset that this person, excuse me, this PSYCHO gets her head smashed off of things because she has a vagina? " THIS! Amen brother. "Equality. If it's ok to show violence against men in movies, it should be allowed to show violence against women. " Exactly. I don't understand why there are still so many men opposing to violence against women in cinema. Grow a pair of balls. THANK YOU! Listen to this guy, he is smart. Come on, you understood what he was talking about.. -.-