MovieChat Forums > RipRoss > Replies
RipRoss's Replies
<blockquote>Is he also now ''one of them''</blockquote>
He has dated multiple trans women and his current girlfriend is trans, so yes.
If she were alive today she'd probably be having one of Elon Musk's kids.
Actually if you had read the Stephen King novel the movie was based on, you'd know that Richards had instructed the resistance forces to modify the landing area so that Killian would be killed by crashing into the Cadre Cola sign. He also had them rig the sign with explosives to make sure it would be a spectacular death.
Not only that, but at the end of the movie <spoiler>Richards literally had Killian shackled. All he had to do at that point was wait for the authorities to show up and make an arrest, but instead he launches the rocket sled to kill Killian in a fiery explosion. Very inconsistent.</spoiler>
What an odd question to ask.
Watching Die Hard with a black female senior citizen President of the United States as an action star is a bit much. Although I’d consider watching it if it was at least someone attractive like Halle Berry.
It got greenlit by Amazon in 2022 when identity politics was still in full swing.
Hilarious that the same people who were cheerleading Biden for four years are now casting aspersions on Trump’s mental acuity.
<blockquote> peak hotness in The Avengers with all the black catsuits and fashionable hairstyles</blockquote>
Interestingly the same could also be said of Scarlett Johansson in her Avengers movies. And they were both redheads in those too.
That ain’t nothing. Wait til you see the US go to war with Iran on behalf of Israel.
It was mostly Jack Kirby’s creation and Lee stole the credit like he did with all his other collaborations anyway.
What’s his point? You can still see movies in the theater. He always went to showings on opening day, so it isn’t like shorter runs would have altered his experiences.
<blockquote> casting Pedro Pascal over John Krasinski </blockquote>
This alone tells me there is no hope for the movie and makes me have zero interest in seeing it.
Those are really just normal observations. It’s a reflection of how hypersensitive today’s left is that these posts would be considered controversial.
He’s a clown who will do anything for ratings and money including abandoning of all his long-held principles at the drop of a hat.
Actually you mean RIP USAID, and good riddance.
Thanks for the heads up. I’m skipping it too.
It would still be more exciting than this movie.
The people who hate Trump are deferential to establishment consensus and approved institutional authority, especially in manners of healthcare
Someone like RFK scares them to their core because he questions their dogmatic beliefs and could potentially prove that the idealistic authoritarianism that defines their identities could be wrong.
No everything he says is correct. White women need to start being shamed for marrying and procreating outside of their race.