MovieChat Forums > The Running Man (1987) Discussion > Fireball was defenceless.

Fireball was defenceless.

As a kid watching never bothered to think of plot, just the fun action, but dynamo wasn’t killed because he was defenskess, scene was to show Richards wasn’t just a full blown killer. But when fireball was disarmed, he decided to kill him.


Well, Dynamo was crushed beneath a car and was begging for his life.

Fireball would have gotten to his feet and pursued them had Richards not finished him off.

Also, Dynamo’s a fatty, and it’s always bad to kill a fatty.


Not only that, but at the end of the movie Richards literally had Killian shackled. All he had to do at that point was wait for the authorities to show up and make an arrest, but instead he launches the rocket sled to kill Killian in a fiery explosion. Very inconsistent.
