Did Killian SPOILERS...

... really deserve to die at the end when Arnie put him on that slider like that?

Also, how come when all other contestants went they all landed safely but Killian outright crashed and exploded, thanks.


Richards was out for revenge pure and simple. As for why Killian didn't land safely. Ben sent him unexpectedly. Nobody was there to set up the nets to catch him and stop the sled.


...or put the brakes on.


Actually if you had read the Stephen King novel the movie was based on, you'd know that Richards had instructed the resistance forces to modify the landing area so that Killian would be killed by crashing into the Cadre Cola sign. He also had them rig the sign with explosives to make sure it would be a spectacular death.


"Whitman, Pryce, and Haddad! You remember THEM?! There they are, BASKING in the Maui sun!

When in reality, he had them killed even though they won the game. Their corpses left to rot in the game zone, not even a burial for them.

Killian deserved to pay for his evil ways. He wasnt just following orders from his autocratic masters, the guy enjoyed sending people to their death.


One could argue that Killian was just a pawn in the game. A face man playing a role for a buck. But I think he was sinister enough for me to not mind his fate.


"That hit the spot".


