MovieChat Forums > Ed > Replies

Ed's Replies

Frankly, I think a lot of these zombie apocalypse shows have actors who are too fat or well-nourished. If the producers want to be realistic and make their actors look ugly, that’s okay, but they should also look thin or gamey. And stop giving everybody unlimited ammo (who’s making the new bullets?) or cars that still run well (on 20+ year old gas?) Mulholland Drive is a masterpiece. I consider it psychological horror. It’s up there with Shining! Great! Let it win! I’m okay with that, because this film did a LOT to restore filmgoers’ faith in the industry. On a side note, I follow the Sight and Sound top ten films of all time. For 2022, #1 was Jeanne Dielmann. Utter nonsense artsy junk that shows how disconnected critics are. That film doesn’t even belong in top #50 of all time! I’d rewatch Top Gun Maverick anyday over Jeanne…. Total BS. Literally the only film in the top 50 I’ve never heard of and never seen. I watched the trailer on Amazon Prime just to get a clue… and it seemed very forgettable. Is Sight and Sound saying this film is hetter than either Godfathers? 2001? Ozu or Kurosawa, take your pick of many of their films? Experimental, try Persona. That’s feminist enough for you and certainly a tighter and better film than Jeanne Dielman. I tried a bit on youtube. Good grief…. Yup. His last great action film. Most everything after that are dramas or character studies, quite good some of them but not really action genre. Try Black Summer on netflix. It’s a zombie show but based entirely on early days of the apocalypse. Or, All of Us are Dead on netflix. Great zombie show set in high school at the onset. Fascinating stuff with rock geeks and uh, geekettes? The “doghouse” geologist was a hoot. I kept thinking who he reminded me of, then I realized, that’s Woody Allen’s speech patterns and idiosyncrasies! I’m glad I caught this on AppleTV! It is a good documentary by a talented filmmaker. I agree. A good splice-of-life drama about two brothers and the complex family dynamics with their deceased father. Little America, also on AppleTV, is very good too and also does similar things, albeit in individual 30-minute stories. I like it, my favorite AppleTV show. I like the blend of real world and alt-world politics. I watch some of the AppleTV movies, but For All Mankind is the only show I would subscribe just to see. Foundation is not bad but has nothing to do with the source novels, otherwise it is interesting scifi too. I vaguely remember such a story too. It must be in one of the later books I havent reread yet. I do dislike this trend of gender-swapping in Hollywood productions. For the most part, it adds nothing but just distracts or annoys the audience. That said, one of my absolute favorite films ever gender-swaps! It takes the male character of Hildy Johnson from The Front Page and makes the character female in the film His Girl Friday. What a classic film! Well, the first Foundation novel has NO female characters. None. Maybe a few background characters with no dialogue, but everyone is male. The show, however, is filled with female characters in key roles. The book is intellectual with basically NO action at all. Mostly just people talking. The show has fight scenes, guns a-blazing, SFX everywhere. Frankenstein. Dracula is boring and too stagey! Sound editing on this film is too primitive! Nosferatu was a better vampire film, but Lugosi does have presence. Vamypr has much better atmosphere than Dracula but has a bizarre storyline. Three excellent choices. I’d also add The Haunting by Robert Wise. I feel like rewatching “As Above So Below” which was a decent horror film about the search for the philosopher’s stone. It’s a stupid title. Like calling the new monarch of England Queen Charles. Diana Rigg was the best Avenger girl. But the best episodes, if you like taunt thrillers, were the Cathy Gake episodes. Rigg’s episodes were fun and goofy but sometimes too outlandish. That said, some of my favorite episodes were very Emma Peel oriented (The Joker, The House that Jack Built). I think Disney is taking the fantasy approach here, like they did with Brandi’s Cinderella. White king, black queen, filipino prince, b/w stepsisters, all random colorful mishmash because it’s just a fantasy for fun. If it were a more serious Disney (Fox) film, like the recent predator sequel Prey, it would be an awful idea if the lead actress was oriental or black. It also wouldn’t make sense in context. Even so, the actress (who has some Indian blood) was still criticized for not looking Native American enough. Silver Chair is the BEST Narnia film, by far. It oushines the first two BBC productions in the series, and despite the low budget and SfX, it trumps the 3 cinema films. Tom Baker is SO good! And the rest of the cast, even the kids, are pretty spot on, too. Plus, this is a very faitfhul adaptation of the novel. I wish more fantasy films captured the magic and fun of their source novels as those the BBC’s Silver Chair. I was scared of that Child Catcher as a kid. The film makers did a great job with his character. This is truly a superb children’s film with very great songs and colorful cinematography. I always loved it, but that Child Catcher…! Brrr, to this day…. I watched it then. I’m watching it now. Great theme, plenty of clean action and family friendly fare.