MovieChat Forums > BwozqkNegative > Replies
BwozqkNegative's Replies
ur post doesn`t make any sense, op.
ok. sorry 4 what i wrote. i know i can b harsh at times.
i never said dat she`s not a great girl. i said dat u was mentally challenged. and u didn`t accept my previous apology.
"but the big difference with Esmeralda the captain that she fall in love with was not the main male character in the movie, and being just friends with the main male character? I wonder if Disney caught this when making the two movies."
yes, they did. it was even intentional. cuz unlike urself, de creators at disney aren`t complete idiots who doesn`t think through de details of their stories.
u clearly must b mentally challenged. i feel sorry 4 ur daughter who has a parent who`s as dense and narrowminded as u.
if u haven`t seen de movie in 4ever, why did u even start dis thread?
oh, so migu-douche is nasty cuz he`s tellin`the op the truth? at least he`s bein`nice about it, while u, trackstar_hates_idol, is clearly a hypocrite who calls out people 4 being nasty, while ur insulting people with swear words urself.
u clearly must be seriously mentally challenged, bellybo! startingallover14 told u twice where the song was and u were still askin` `bout it? *shakes my head*.
"well,I guess its my fault.maybe I should mention thats my feeling for the scene she sing the climb,not the comment".
no, u should learn some english and learn how 2 convey a sentence be4 u state an opinion.
"I read someone's comments here before about the last scene when miley sing the climb,and I thought it was pretty embarrassing and touching".
lorek, ur comment doesn`t make any sense at all. did u think the comment `bout "the climb" was both embarrasing or touchin`? or did u think the comment was embarrasing or the song was touchin`?
"Great actor. There. Fixed it for you."
really? lol! :P
and the point of dis thread is...?
lol at ur post, op. no offense
yeah and why couldn`t u elaborate on ur post in a nuanced and constructive way?
and the point of ur post is...?
wat do u mean by "why not"?
yeah and...?
lol at ur post. no offense.