MovieChat Forums > BwozqkNegative > Replies
BwozqkNegative's Replies
oh rueally? is dat de only reason 4 u 2 confuse `em?
<blockquote>I even have it on my iPod lol.</blockquote>
staph typin` lol
<blockquote>And then in Bambie</blockquote>
his name is bambi, not bambie
yeah, but wat has it 2 doo wit not havin`an adult appeal?
wat do u mean by "what the hell is the appeal of this for adults?". ur not writin`wat should`ve given de film a adult appeal.
yeah and...?
yeah and...?
lol at ur post, op. no offense.
lol at ur post, op. no offense.
and wat makes him a great american?
lol at ur post, op. no offense.
"And you can all fuck off if you don't agree with me!"
lol at ur post, op. no offense.
"And since i'm bored..."
wow, u clearly must have been really bored 2 write such an elaborate rant 2 a troll who didn`t even provoked u at furst.
"Also, I'll say it again. This is a message board, not a fan club. People can post whatever criticisms they want on this website."
says de person who gets mad at every1 who trashes hannah montana.
yeah and...?
so ur sayin` dat most animayted moovies uisually don`t havv depth?
yeah and...?
cuz the point is that the op should`ve written in a way dat made sense.
dat wasn`t de point.
okay. why didn`t u write it de furst place?