MovieChat Forums > nightofthetwiste
nightofthetwiste (21)
Agreed. I love this show! I'm watching it again on Prime.
This post was deleted because I do not wear polyester hair, OK?
Obviously, Cher went to college and graduated with a degree in poetry.
She didn't marry Josh. As if! But a Black man, a lawyer called Terrance, who she loves dearly. She became a soccer mom of three, not because she had to, but because she wanted to be there for her children the way her mother couldn't be there for her and her father wasn't.
She's happy, duh!
And Dionne is the godmother to two of her children.
I mean, I'm glad they're focusing on Dionne, but who asked for this? lol
Ooooh, (I skimmed) "Riverdale". *eye roll*
To me, he's not the title character since there are four Kims.
But I don't find him the worst character. Actually, this is one of the only shows that, for me, doesn't have a worst character. They're all likable and funny.
Hmmm.. maybe.
Or just a new toy--like someone said an infant.
Although I'm not implying that people or children with special needs are infantile.
I've heard that.
ewww. you're disgusting.
ooo! good point.
agreed. that person is just lost.
Bo Peep only seems "bitchy" now because she says more and does more and has a mind of her own and isn't a "yes girl" behind Woody or Buzz.
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