AndrewHNPX2's Replies

I think Lucy's Italian Movie is the worst I ever felt for her. I mean, she genuinely thought going to the winery would help her practice for her role in that movie and and then she lost the role to Ethel over it. Noodle wasn't Charlie. Oh interesting, I didn't know her and Hepburn had a bad history like that. And yeah, I guess using Marilyn wouldn't have been practical, I was just throwing a name out there. Maybe somebody like Anne Baxter would have been a good choice. Are you talking about Harvey Cromwell? He wasn't the head of the department store. He was a television producer who was producing a show with them as the sponsor. Well then the fact that he acts that way towards people who do actually patronize his establishment makes him all the more unlikable to me. In Lucy's Mother-In-Law when Ethel tells her horror stories about when Fred's mother (who must be pushing 100 at least) comes to visit. It should have been something like "Oh I remember when we were first married and Fred's mother would come to visit". I never liked the ending either, but I had no problem with the way Ricky reacted. Like Gary said, Lucy was basically asking for trouble. I think if anything, <i>she</i> was the one who wasn't good to Little Ricky in this case, basically using him as a pawn in their silly feud. As for the ending, it seemed like a silly and poorly thought out thing on Charlie's part. People would have likely just walked away from it perplexed wondering who that kid was and why he was there. I live on the East Coast too, I wonder if people think that about me. Maybe, but wasn't Stevie born in California? She was a terrific and fun character and I wish we had seen more of her. I was happy to see her in some of the Hollywood episodes, but did you notice her personality was totally different? Her bitchiness was toned down a bit and she didn't seem to have a rivalry with Lucy anymore, of course it was back though by the Superman episode. So I would probably go... 3 4 5 2 6 1 There's a couple of season 1 episodes I like here and there, but overall it almost feels like a different show to me. You know also I was thinking about what you said about Lucy's mother-in-law, who definitely was a nice lady. But of course, Lucy <i>did</i> have Uncle Alberto, who was a major prick and clearly thought very highly of himself. Lucy did manage to win him over, but of course that was only because of Little Ricky, and nothing really do with her. And who knows how long that would have lasted anyway? I think it's pretty obvious the guy would still have some resentment towards Lucy for not being Cuban, Little Ricky or not. The exact same joke was actually done later on at the end of Job Switching. I've always assumed Arnaz didn't care for the episode because of how bad it made Ricky look, forgetting about the Mertzes like he did. I've always really like this episode because to me it <i>perfectly</i> captures that feeling you sometimes get when you're tired of being on vacation (at a hotel or on a cruise or something) and just want to go home already. I've heard there was supposedly a deleted scene at the end of the episode where Ethel shows up and tries to comfort Lucy who's suffering from a raging hangover. And Ethel (apparently not knowing about what had happened) offers her a bottle of Vitameatavegamin. Well I think Lucy's mother was bad in more of a passive-aggressive sense. She wasn't really outright hostile to Ricky like Alice's mother was to Ralph on The Honeymooners. The Rock is black? I wonder what the reason was that Ball disliked the episode so much. It's pretty out there, but I've always enjoyed it, especially the references to the infamous War of the Worlds broadcast. Freddie Fillmore would had to have literally been mentally retarded to have not seen through their scam.