Ladronmc's Replies

My favourite part was Trump claiming that he was being sarcastic when he was saying people sshould be injecting themsleves with bleach because "it cures the China virus". Agree with you that Trump was owned. Interesting words from the supporter of a man who claims that the virus would be eradicated by April. And that there would only be 12 cases. No, math isnt a strong suit of dumb Republicans. Owned Trump. Spat him out. You don't seem to understand what terrorism is. It's Trump who's terrorising people for the color of their skin. Glad BLM stood up to the terrorist in the White House and terrorist right wing groups, like real alphas. Biden called Trump a clown like an alpha. Trump threw a tantrum like a true cuck beta. And his fanboys appear to be just as beta as their idol is. He literally sounds demented. A raging, rambling idiot who can't form a coherent sentence. Biden chewed him up and spat him out. Where did Biden lie? He is a clown. And a dumb one, at that. Beautiful! You've misused non-sequiter, as well. Third term that you've misused. In your third reposte. As I said, get a third grade education and get back to me. It's clear that you don't understand what tacit means, either. You need a primary school education. Come back after you get one. Done him again! Too Easy. Its Rogan. He is an idiot. What do you expect? Poor baby. Awwww easy there racist snowflake. Wouldn't want you to melt. Some low IQ poster on here. Represents the fascist, radical right pretty well. Again, you're having problems understanding something pretty basic. Being woke is not a religion. Why do I get the feeling that I'm conversing with a 9 year old? Good to know. I'll have a look. Thanks for the link. I never delved into stuff like this before.