Joe Rogan Apologizes for False Claim That ‘Left-Wing’ Activists Are Responsible for Oregon Fires
i don't know this guy. sounds like an idiot
i don't know this guy. sounds like an idiot
Well, a left wing activist has been arrested for starting fires so it's not exactly fully false. One person has been caught, how many haven't? Could be none, could be more. Only time will tell.
shareI looked up your claim and found no such news other than AltRight idiots spreading the rumor that the major Oregon fires that destroyed homes and killed people in East Oregon were caused by "Leftwing activists" without any burden of proof.
This article cites an arrest of a man who started six brush fires along a highway in Oregon, but they were all extinguished. There's also no claim of his political affiliation either.
It is at the very least confirmation at least one person has been out there intentionally starting fires. And it was more than 6 fires. Those were lit after he was released after being arrested for the first fires. As for his political allegiances, he's probably a nutter that Antifa are making use of. Like the guy "tricked" into throwing the IED.
shareYou have no clue who he is or why he lit fires. There was an idiot two years ago in Orange County who was caught starting a fire that ended up destroying homes and he claimed he was being chased by MS-13 which was a delusional lie. This also coincided with Trump's online tweets calling up MS-13 as a national threat. Has Trump or any of his supporters been blamed for this man's activities? NOPE.
A Missouri man was arrested and charged last year for starting fires in California last year. No affiliation to Antifa or BLM either yet here you and others are eager to pin it on some boogeyman with ZERO proof.
Yeah. I'm sure it's just all a coincidence. It's pretty disingenuous to be startled at people questioning the likelihood of Antifa being responsible considering all the fires they've set, all the arson they've committed, all the molotovs they've thrown and the open calling of arson on Twitter when the plan their operations....
shareAnd yet you still have zero evidence backing up your claim. It's like you guys rely on twitter and TikTok for your news LOL
shareDo you genuinely believe all these fires are being set for non political reasons?
Watch the video. Good enough proof for you? Known activist. Previous arrest at protests for arson. Caught with arson related materials and weapons. Cut and dried. Or would you prefer to keep your head buried in the sand?
seems he was indeed part of the "defund the police" protests.
I hadnt heard of those , seems a stupid idea.
What makes that a "left" thing?
Also what would be the statement that an activist from any casue would be making by anonymously starting brush fires?
Are you serious? You haven't seen the massive coverage of hundreds of thousands of plebs demanding the police be de funded?
What makes it left thing? Who knows, but they are the only ones demanding it.
As for the statement a Blantifa activist is making by starting brush fires? Again, who knows. Their brains are on par with the intellect of a baked potato. Clearly whatever thought process they are capable of thinks that burning shit and causing chaos, taking up emergency service's resources, destroying public and private property, killing and injuring people is a good way to get what they want and bolster support. Spoiler alert, it's not.
I gotta admuint , thats a lotta murals passed me by ,im not from US though
I do think all the stupid shit blm are doing is not helping their cause
But i think its a worthy cause. At the end of the day you can boil it down to "racism still exists in society"
I'm not sure why "Black lives matter" has to be a left or right thing.
Do you have to stop giving a shit about your fellow man , the black colored ones, when you join a 'right wing' party?
Absolutely not. The Republican party in the US is gaining more and more black support as the days go by and as black voters realize that voting Democrat is getting them nowhere.
How the Democrats went from fighting a war in an effort to retain ownership of their slaves to becoming "the party for black people", I'll never know. It's quite genius really.
Please tell me that you are aware of the Democrat and Republican change of platform?
shareOh it comes from a right wing magazine! MUST be true.
shareSo we're assuming any argument you don't like is false if it's from the side you don't like?
sharelol he's always been like that. Anything that counters his point of view is biased. Video evidence? Biased. From a republican source? Biased. If it was from MSNBC or CNN it would be perfectly valid though.
shareActually I’m a girl and I would never and have never considered cnn or msnbc valid sources. Somehow people on this website post biased articles from the right as though they are accurate, it gets frustrating.
shareConsider the source. How complex is that? Give me a valid source and your argument would have some credibility.
shareDo you consider the NYT to be a credible source of info?
shareI trust information if it comes from more than one credible source so it depends on how absurd the claim.
shareDo you not think that personally qualifying something depending on how absurd you rate it complicates matters?
So you clearly do consider the NYT to be a credible source yet you also require that a publication in addition to the NYT would have to publish something before you trusted it?
If someone makes a claim that doesn’t make sense, it obviously needs more proof than just one or two UNBIASED sources to make it credible. Of course if someone states a fact that is more realistic it doesn’t require as much proof. That’s standard for how we accept ANY idea.
I don’t know how you took that as me considering the NYT as a credible source . . .it depends on what the NYT actually said. Would I use it as a source to back up something that I said? No. Because the NYT does not present just factual news, they print opinion pieces as well, that ruins it’s credibility.
This is why we don’t just accept any scientific claim, those claims have to be peer reviewed first before they can be reliably believed. Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and often the originality of articles for publication. Its ultimate purpose is to maintain the integrity of science by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles.
you got a few labels there, you got a licence for dem there?
I have no idea what AltRight means other than some stupid CNN dog whistle for pseudo intellectuals that gets their news from meme's and MSNBC or some guy wanting to make $$$ off some documentary, all while the people can live out their hero fantasy of being the smart guy that wants to save the world through being really smart and like ya know?
I mean, if you're so smart. Why are you spending your time commenting on this bullshit?
Yeah there ya go
Rogan is a sellout that caters to his new masters. Before he signed on with Spotify he said what he wanted and didn't back down to the liberal left, now he's just another puppet.
shareJoe Rogan is a fraudster of the highest caliber.
I was watching his youtube podcast about the tic tac UFO incident and he had the gall to say that skeptics are lazy and close minded without offering any proof to back up such a stupid claim. He then went on to state that skepticism had no place in the scientific process of investigation as if he has any clue what the scientific method is.
It's no wonder his lazy ass is voting for Trump.
I’ve never heard him say that he is voting for Trump. In fact, his ideology leans left.
shareHe leans towards himself and his pocket book. He's a huckster posing as sage.
shareHe’s one of the best interviewers out there now. Also, it says something that he admitted that he was wrong.
shareJust because he brings kooks onto his show doesn't make him the best interviewer out there. You want to see quality interviews watch old interview hosts like David Susskin, Parkinson, and Cavett. Joe Rogan just likes to entertain the masses with varietal hot topics but doesn't cross-examine his guests at all.
shareRogan is offering a long format interview without political leanings. He lets the guest express themselves for sometimes up to 3 hours. Look at his list of guest he’s had in over 1500 interviews. If you would rather watch a scripted 10 minute “interview” from 1970, then go ahead.
shareSo he's no different than any other vlogger out there. The content of his long format can be surmised in 10 minutes. He wouldn't know how to interview someone for 30 minutes, that's why he allows guests to ramble on without any cross examination.
Btw, the interviewers I cited conducted interviews for up to 2 hours.
Oh, so was that normal for Cavett to do 2 hour interviews on his show or a special occasion?
shareYou're obviously too impatient to sit through and listen to his interviews. There's no doubt that PODcast culture as well as Late night TV culture dominated by sycophantic clowns like Fallon and Kimmel draw more appeal to your generation. Rogan's not even on the same level as those idiots and is considered a poorman's version of Larry King
“You're obviously too impatient to sit through and listen to his interviews.”
Why are you even saying this?
“to your generation.”
Which generation is this?
Its Rogan. He is an idiot. What do you expect?
shareAfter all the damage the left has done over the past four months, why would it be any kind of stretch some of them started forest fires? They are filled with the craziest people.
shareI think the people defending all these cunts committing arson and starting wildfires expect nothing less than written or video confessions to prove it was in fact Blantifa. Their precious comrades couldn't possibly be responsible. Lets just ignore the hundreds of hours of video footage law enforcement are combing through of rioters starting fires in various cities. A lot of people are going to get a real shock when they're landed with hefty federal charges.
shareHaven't they actually caught people setting fires?