MovieChat Forums > SolemnMime > Replies
SolemnMime's Replies
I don't think I've ever done this, but it does sound appealing/interesting in some way.
I'd have to get in to it though/be in the moment with the movie, as this may not work on a more superficial thinking level.
Could simply be the one I wait to live through & enjoy, therefore looking back at it & recollecting it as a favorite historical period I'd been a part of. I can't look at time periods I know nothing of first hand/know little details of living conditions & decide if it's my favorite or not.
I mean with just guessing/picking one (just for fun/to imagine it) I could say several, but I've never really tried weighing in/comparing any based on what I could gather from it or such.
Just recently saw some episodes, and it's not half bad at all. I haven't seen much episode-wise, but it's pretty decent in my view.
Well I go by averages I've seen searching + assuming years of working/seniority/etc. as well.
I would think someone at Sheldon's position and experience should make at least ~$90,000 a year in present day.
The others like Howard, Leonard, Bernadette, Amy and etc. probably make not much different than that as well (Raj possibly less). I don't think I'm overestimating, because they're shown to have had these prestigious working positions for years, which should reflect in pay to some degree. Penny is said to make "way more money" than Leonard, so I guess you can take that to mean over $100K if you want possibly, whether exaggerated or not to obtain some comedic effect.
Basically I'd imagine that between Sheldon, Amy and Leonard's salaries and living conditions/arrangements, they should have no financial concerns unless they're all really bad at handling money (which I think only Penny is mainly shown to be).
That sounds like it could be a main reason for it, yeah.
I was getting the impression that it isn't really live, yeah. Maybe some episodes are, but most seem pre-recorded, despite them showing runs during the commercial breaks as if they were missed due to it being live or such. Would be nice if more episodes were live -- has more suspense to it knowing it's happening right there as you watch it. Knowing it's pre-recorded kind of takes away from it.
Most average around 5 based purely on the fact that most stuff isn't too good/memorable, but obviously not horrible either.
I'd say TV/Netflix is probably a bit more in demand now than the "movie scene" -- or at least it seems like it's getting to be that way
Maybe 2019 just isn't the year for that many really great movies, but more decent/so-so ones overall.
"We were on a break!"
Probably many others, but can't remember the exact lines or episodes of them currently.
Yeah, but the predicament would matter too. I'm sure like most would be fine going nude/being nude in some obvious situations we could envision -- but going nude for 'X' particular movie role may be the so-called line some may not want to cross. But the comparison does make sense regarding privacy/nudity/etc. In some cases we're fine nude -- others probably not so much.
The only letter-based mailing I remember doing personally is with a church when I was in my teens. It didn't last long and wasn't really out of pure interest, but it's the only time I remember writing letters besides maybe ones to Santa Claus or something when I was really small. Writing real letters (by hand especially) seems pretty "ancient" these days/uncommon.
But yeah, personalized letters would probably stand out more/have a bigger "wow factor" to most.
This is usually a "plot advancement" kind of thing/trope (probably other words to use that are more suited, but can't think of any). Basically, the idea is that this "evil plan" is basically a means of moving the story forward, because otherwise there may have been nothing else which would've done so. A bad part of putting a story together is sometimes mindlessly creating one after another "plot advancements" that follow from the same general idea/concept (like a villain who keeps leading the heroes on and changing the flow of everything based only on him/her/etc. and you lose the sense that anything else could play a factor in the story advancing besides this).
It's okay to use plot advancements, but sometimes they are overused and focused on certain points that make the story/fiction more boring/predictable/possibly idiotic. Sometimes these types of "devices"/tropes are required, but how they're implemented varies.
In some movies it's actually a known "cheesy" trope or such when this is done in a cliched sort of way that lacks originality in any form. Basically, if they didn't sometimes reveal their plan, where would the story advance to? Sometimes the entire backing of the story's essence is held together solely on weakly led plot drivers/changes remaining only on one character that essentially comes to hold everything together you could say (and that the plot feels too contrived/forced -- this idea might work better if it's believably more authentic/natural). For example, you might agree a villain having the means of sensibly taking over feels more natural than "just because."
No and probably for the reason that writing letters is a thing of the past of my time/generation. I grew up in the computer age, so I would never have had that motivation. Everything was computer based/electronic and nowadays even more so.
Writing letters is definitely very old-fashioned you could say. Not saying it's bad, but it's something that would've never really occurred to me as being an ideal method of communication/addressing/etc. when I had a computer in front of me and social media and etc. Writing any kind of letter in these situations growing up and today seem to be the last thing most people think of.
I probably wouldn't, no. I'd always feel that there's something to be left out of general viewing/be a bit more private.
I'm not saying I would absolutely never do any kind of nudity, but for the most part it's not something I generally lean for.
I'd always think that -- with so little ease -- anyone could see me in a fully uncovered manner. I get it's just your body, but maybe there's more to it than that. I'd like a little mystery -- and this is (although more literal/obvious) putting it all out there, more or less, in a physical sense. I guess I like to have things in a more privatized manner or with more privacy than just going bare for all to see in a particular manner. I also think it'd be unnecessary as in many cases nudity is just done in regular films for sexual enticing than in more spontaneous/"creative purposes" (air quotes because creativity and nudity can just boil down to, well, sex appeal/etc. anyways).
I'm not saying I don't like the idea behind it as being sexually enticing or whatnot, but it's a tradeoff in some sense you could say for the person being nude -- at least when done in certain specifics. People who do a lot of nudity probably think nothing of it, which I don't mind/find to be an issue -- but for me I think it kind of crosses a boundary I'd rather leave to different circumstances than just straight up movie scene nudity for the sake of nudity. Maybe in a certain light or sense it could differ though with nudity comfort/etc.
I get what you mean about not liking it.
I don't hate sports really and enjoy watching them sometimes, but you have a good point on the whole thing.
I watch American Ninja Warrior more than any other kind of sports, but this is different in that it's not based on high-paid athletes for the most part and big contracts/etc. But although I do see the idea that you can boil down the experience to watching a bunch of likely wealthy at worst players doing things for entertainment. I guess I can rationalize the idea behind that as me not having any spite or dislike just solely because they are generally wealthy and/or rich for the most part.
I mean I can see this from both sides (hating and loving it), so I guess I fall more in the middle but on the positive side.
If I had a starring role in any movie I'd be so grateful that I wouldn't even care who my castmate was for the most part.
Also, in general, I mostly wouldn't mind anyways since that decision would probably be for others to make (unless I'm doing the casting or such). I would probably pick an unknown/lesser known actress to be fair since just picking someone with a big name/already too well known wouldn't feel right if I had to make the decision (it's not like I'm a movie star personally).
I could think of some specific actresses, but probably no point in listing their names here for this purpose -- and I've shared my main reasoning anyways behind what factors would affect this (and I wouldn't pick a celebrity/etc.).
Just for the fun of it I'd say they're both pretty even/equal in my view (don't usually prefer to compare attractiveness though).
Get them fairly lean without nitrates/nitrites, fillers, etc. and they're okay for you on occasion.
I don't prefer eating any hot dogs often, but good quality ones are fine here and there with some BBQ sauce or ketchup/etc.
I'd much rather eat like tuna, sardines, lean chicken/turkey or oysters for meat preferences than hot dogs/sausages/etc.
Doing a Friends reboot would be challenging.
Some shows naturally seem to work better off of a reboot than others (not sure why this is).
Will & Grace is a show that seems to do well with a reboot.
I guess shows that possibly didn't have a definite or clear "ending" could maybe feel more natural if they pick up again several years later or such.
I also guess some original shows weren't able to drag on long enough and in the right way to even put a reboot in to consideration maybe.
But picturing a Friends reboot is difficult for me at least. Even if it was done (and it probably could be) I can't imagine it getting too much positive feedback as it would feel forced unless the writing or everything is very much like before and there's nothing spotty or "off" about things like the setup and situations like in the classic Friends format people are probably used to.
But I don't know I guess. I get the idea that maybe not every show needs to be done again, but I have nothing against the attempt. Maybe it could work, but probably won't be easy.
Seems pretty true if you ask me.
The whole point of "fat Monica" being funny was solely because she was fat while portraying the fat stereotype of overweight people endlessly eating, clumsy/falling over and being a bumbling loser overall just because they're fat.
In reality it should be clear that most overweight people aren't extreme social rejects or pariahs that are bumbling and slow/confused/incompetent at everything. And while people gain too much body fat when eating too much, overweight people are not literally eating all day with no breaks (this is coming from someone who was pretty obese in the past).
The whole idea was weakly executed and it isn't too hard to notice it. Doesn't ruin the show overall or anything, but it seems obvious to me that it was one of several lazy attempts to construct humor off of a thinly held stereotype, idea or trope.
But the bumbling, lazy husband is a trope itself portrayed a lot. I think that has to be among the worst ones against men.
Just watching that Trojan condom commercial with men walking around as pigs is a perfect way to eliminate male support, portraying your own customers in a dark light as supposed disgusting beings associated with dirt/filth if they don't buy your product. The biggest tropes/stereotypes portrayed by males in the media seem to be either the bumbling, idiotic or weak husband/guy; the overpowering, brazen-ish, confident jerk; and more of the in-between "normal" guy of these two extremes (simplified, but gives an idea).
The equivalent of these towards women would be the damsel in distress/wimpy woman who often needs help, usually from males; and the angry/bitchy/"scornful woman" exaggeration. There are many variations/more, but these seem to be among the "hot" tropes used.