kungfulord's Replies

The guy asked the police to putting him in the floor because he can't breathe inside the car because he was claustrophobic Yeah he was saying he cant breath way before he was in the floor the police do wrong putting his knee on this dude neck but you cant say floyd didnt have partial responsability in his own dead Yeah dont getme wrong i myself have some fun making some thread in Jesus and Hitler pages the problem is that the politic profile start to overtaking the most part of the activity of the page it would be a shame watch the page died because become a mostly politic oriented page and is a shame because here you have a freedom you dont have in most social pages like Letterboxd wich is too much political correct, here you can discuss more openly and freely Besides i stand to what i said for much fun that it is see Jesus and Hitler have a page here dont have any sense at all if someone want to talk about politic you have hundreds and hundreds of options She spit in his coffe and he inmediatly ask her out, that is not normal The guy was a cartoon so insecure of himself and with this guilty complex than some people want every man live with, like im already stain for the original sin of have peniss, acting like the only healthiy interaction between a men and a woman is when the men is numbering the quality of the woman. The fact some people think this is how men should act is ludicross, you can be decent and nice without be a puss And i can give an example why this mentality is not dencent and is just harmful for everybody, in the moment he ask her to go to his apartment she react like he attacked her, she was obviuosly uncomfortable beyond of what anyone would considered normal and he inmediatly asume it was his fault, that was his "toxic masculinity" that make him ruin the moment, when any normal human being less self-focusse would actually see the person who is front of his and would understand she have emotional problems and probably have suffer some abuse in the past. that would have been obvious for any adult, but this dude is so focussed in be as fag as possible to restraint himself of been toxic he blind himself to what is really happening in front of his eyes, he is not decent or nice he is just a disbalanced person who have a guilty complex and try to compensate This woman was dressing like a hooker pretending to be unconscious while a dude was draggin her trough the street FFS and this guy again is so focuss in be the nice guy that he not even question her for that, she obviously have issue and if he really care about her should have confront her and ask her WTF is happening instead of be a wuss and a "nice guy" BTW cuck's are not nice they are just cuck's You think only those two extremes are her options? cant she just date someone normal? Plot holes in real life are a bitch, i hate them, make everything so confuse for everybody Not is not and if you believe yor coment is self-explanatory i dont think you say what you think you say The dude is not an actor and is not related to the movie industry either Floyd, MC is becoming a meme even Hitler and Jesus have a page FFS this is crazy What? WTF are you talking about? anything of what you just write have sense neither explain why this guy have a page in movie chat Well if they took out those scene very probably is for a good reason That is a great point, this two character are just awful, this woman spit in his coffe and he ask her for a date? you have to ask if the person who wrote this have ever had any interaction with another human being So you are saying this was nothing but a cheap trick to scare audiences and have no more value than that? Sorry men but i strongly disagree with you this may be the best movie of the year even when i doubt win the Oscar defenitly is better than any other nominee really put you in the shoes of someone with a progresive dementia in a way i have never seen before this movie is not you tipical pasive cinematic experienced instead take you with the main character, you are with him even if in the begining you dont notice until you star to be as confused as him, you watch the world with his eyes and his memories, it is terrifying but is because the nature of the diseace itself is terrifying that is not a poitn against the movie but is a point in his favor, the clever direction and editing of the story submerge us in the mind of Hopkins character is really brilliant a great movie Rose Mcgowan is worst she work with Victor Salva a convicted child rapist I always have think ElSofoque and argentinian are the same person, the ideas and argument are mostly the same and both are latin, being el elsofoque a spanish nickname and also argentinian being obviusly a latin nick, the dude is probably an ex-user of Taringa or Voxed and choose MC as his new home for trolling Hey!! hilbilly cocksucker im Fauci this is my account and i tired of you slimebags and your weak ass coments and post in my profile GTFO of here!! you hear me Cletus? Im a fucking doctor men i go to collegue study the all god danm thing and what i got some southern MTF who sure fuck his sister in the weekends telling me how to do my job, MY JOB!! do you have a degree? in what besides cooking meth? may i ask? i will not be keeping tolerating this abuse enough with the bullshit men you and your mama will used mask until i say so and if you dont like it well what a shame go and suck some chrome redneck MTF Now if you excuse me i need to go to count my money with my wife and our sex slave Cassandra seeya poor people Because a proyect is huge doesn't meant is going to be good for you to have a prominent role in it, this guy never was destiny to be a great actor but is not as bad as people put him, i have seen a lot of bad actors and dont receive the same backlash than this guy Say what you want about good old Harvey but the man did have standards, i think he would feel disgust of take a shower in front of her Popularity have to be earn not beg for it, Milano's attitude and remarks are just lame the worst part is she is not even aware of this Have you ever see a movie with two fat people in the poster, and then those people dind't fart in the movie? Yeah, me neither Yeah i also think the dude is retarded... that is what you meant by special, right? Fat people can't be beautiful, enough with this madness, you can eat all you want and be fat, ugly and lonely or have self discipline, hit the gym and be at least reasonable good looking and swim in pussy (or in dicks if you are a woman or a dude who is into dicks) Did you mean cuck?