MovieChat Forums > TheHungryHippo > Replies
TheHungryHippo's Replies
Right if these SW fans you speak of hated women and black actors so much they would have complained about Leia, Lando, Mace Windu and Padme, all of which were fully capable of holding their own in a battle. The only reason there is outrage over the new characters isn't because of their race or gender, it's because they are poorly written and poorly acted.
I don't know we'll see. after The Last Jedi and Solo I really don't see the hype for this film that lets say Episodes I and VII did.
You don't need an interview, I posted video proof, and LOL it's not like it wasn't already established that Batman is a master of moving very quickly and it's not like he never dodged a bullet before. Even when Batman was out of shape he dodged a freaking automatic weapon. You're an idiot.
He's also yet another poster like someone else on this forum who sees everything through the prism of race. No one has a problem with Rey being a woman or Finn being black, we have a problem with the characters being poorly written and portrayed by horrible actors.
No he wouldn't because then you'd have to prove that the guy with the shotgun could have actually killed him, I have concrete proof that the guard would have killed Rey had he not realized that Daisy Ridley missed her cue because she's an idiot.
As for the scene where Leia grabbed the gun and said someone "needed to save our skins" the thing is the scene didn't focus on that in excess like they do with Rey and they didn't go out of their way to show that Leia was better than everyone else around her. Rey is clearly better than everyone else around her including established characters like Han Solo and that is why she received the backlash that Leia didn't. If Rey were a guy and was played by Shia LaBeuf I'm sure the fan outrage would be equally as strong. Also what may have helped ANH is again Carrie Fisher is a far better actress than Daisy Ridley.
Are we sure Lando was thrown in there due to protests? I'm not denying that may have been a factor I just haven't seen any evidence.
That is a really a bold statement that people who complain about SW are racists and misogynists, in order to make that statement you would have to know what they are feeling mentally and that is a very difficult burden of proof to meet. Simply not liking a black character or a female character is nowhere near meeting that burden of proof and I am willing to be these same people you speak of didn't have a problem with Leia or Lando. The only way you'd be able to prove this is if someone openly said "I hate Rey, women don't belong in SW" (and they would be contradicting themselves unless they said the same thing about Leia and Padme), or "I can't stand Finn, black people shouldn't be in a SW film" (and again I doubt they made the same comments about Lando or Mace Windu).
This matters because it's a plot hole, Rey should be dead.
Right here at 1:48-1:49 - The guard is about to chop her head off but Daisy Ridley missed her cue and didn't duck so the stunt man just diverted his swing upwards:
It's not a lightsaber duel, it's a song and dance number.
Boy that was some bad choreography also, you can see that one of the Praetorian guards is swinging at Rey and Rey was apparently supposed to duck but she missed her cue so that Preatorian guard instead angled his sword upwards over her head to avoid hitting Daisy Ridley in the neck. Such a bad fight scene.
Well here's the thing, Solo: A Star Wars Story lost money so maybe now they'll see that you can't just slap the name Star Wars on just anything and make a billion dollars. Hopefully they'll revamp their approach however I'm not holding my breath.
The thing is A New Hope didn't have to constantly remind the audience that Leia was a strong female character who could hold her own, her actions and character conveyed that message so I didn't have a problem with Leia one bit. Leia was well written and Carrie Fisher gave a great performance (well in the first 2 at least).
The Force Awakens on the other hand takes it WAY TOO far and seems to be more concerned with the audience understanding that she is a strong female character rather than just fleshing her out and allowing her actions to speak for her.
The difference between the two really just boils down to this: Leia was well written, well acted and well executed. Rey was not. Even Padme was a stronger character than MaREY Sue. Also Star Wars fans never had an issue with strong female characters, we have an issue that now it's being forced down our throats that females are strong also (something we never argued) and it seems a strong, compelling story is taking a back seat to what appears to be an agenda.
Same thing with let's say Lando vs. Finn. No one criticized Lando because he was an interesting character and Billy Dee Williams gave a great performance, no one like Finn because he's just annoying and over the top in a bad way (example: DID YOU SEE THAT!!!)
It was a good post and I think you need to learn to just let the OP pitch his little temper tantrum and then ignore him. He sees everything through the prism of race and gender.
I want to know how did none of the people who worked on this film notice this obvious, glaring contradiction. I only watched this film maybe 3 times (it gets worse and worse every time so I kind of gave up trying to like it) and even I noticed.
That's a very good point it seems the message is: It's OK for certain people to make a noble sacrifice but for other people it's wrong of them to make a noble sacrifice.
It's a good thing Sydney Carton never had to listen to this nonsense, he would have been beyond confused and chances are he would have gotten both himself and Charles Darnay guillotined.
I think he's just messing, he just put them in a random order.
Quantum of Solace is a piece of sh!t plain and simple. I cannot watch Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace back to back and think of QOS taking place just minutes after the end of Casino Royale considering the huge drop in quality. The film felt like a Bourne wannabe, the shaky cam drove me absolutely insane I couldn't tell what was going on (apparently the editor has a severe case of ADHD), the villains are bland, the dialogue in atrocious, the plot makes no sense at all (why extort money out of Bolivia, they don't have any money it's a 3rd world nation) and then there's that stupid gunbarrel sequence.
I heard due to the writers strike Daniel Craig had to write much of the script, he probably should never try doing that again, just stick to what he's good at.
Solid list, it seems I put For Your Eyes Only and Live and Let Die higher while you put The World Is Not Enough and On Her Majesty's Secret Service higher. The World Is Not Enough could have been great it if wasn't for some of the godawful dialogue (mostly from Denise Richards) and the completely over the top stunts (like Bond jumping off a cliff while having a dislocated shoulder and not even getting a scratch on him). Having said that The World Is Not Enough used to be pretty near the bottom for me but I actually warmed up to it a bit the last time I watched it. The second half of On Her Majesty's Secret Service was great, the main issue I have with it is everything leading up to the second half which is so incredibly slow and dull, especially the straight half hour where Lazenby's voice is being dubbed, barely anything is happening the film just stalls and I really think that entire segment could have been cut in half to help speed up the film, also I didn't like it that Lazenby's voice was dubbed. Something Calvin pointed out that I agree with, when Bond is pretending to be Sir Hillary Bray, George Lazenby should be playing Bond pretending to be Bray, but instead he just plays Bray which could be a result of him just not being a very good actor.
As for The Living Daylights I'd suggest giving it a shot, I know some people who think it's one of the very best, the thing is I think they should have just brought Roger Moore back for it because there are some very silly scenes in it (and if you watch the deleted scenes there is one in particular where Bond escapes by riding a magic carpet which is sooo the kind of thing Roger Moore's Bond would do), and the entire tone didn't really seem to match Dalton's dark portrayal of the character. Also as I said earlier it just wasn't memorable and I didn't like the soundtrack but it's still a solid film. I actually read somewhere someone said that if it wasn't a Bond film it could have been considered one of the greatest Cold War Espionage films but instead it's a Bond film and must be judged as one.
These were my most recent rankings:
01) Goldfinger
02) For Your Eyes Only
03) Skyfall
04) From Russia With Love
05) Casino Royale
06) Thunderball
07) The Spy Who Loved Me
08) Licence To Kill
09) Live And Let Die
10) Dr. No
11) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
12) Die Another Day (yes I have a soft spot for this one)
13) You Only Live Twice (the battle inside the volcano lair really elevates this one)
14) A View To A Kill (Another one I feel is underrated)
15) Goldeneye
16) Spectre
17) The World Is Not Enough
18) Octopussy
19) Tomorrow Never Dies
20) The Man With The Golden Gun
21) The Living Daylights (there's really nothing wrong with this film at all, the only thing is for me at least there is nothing memorable about it, and I don't like the soundtrack)
22) Moonraker (HUGE drop in quality between TLD and this one)
23) Quantum of Solace
24) Diamonds Are Forever
Again I am not going to defend that, that was a bad decision and I felt they were trying to set up a bond cinematic universe or something , I just don’t think that it was enough to tank the film to one of the worst ever
The only issue I have with Spectre is it felt it had to connect all of the previous Craig films together and it didn't, it could have easily stood on its own, it is however far better than that piece of sh!t Quantum of Solace or Diamonds Are Forever. It also has one of the greatest train fight sequences of the entire franchise.