MovieChat Forums > TheHungryHippo > Replies
TheHungryHippo's Replies
And here's another fun fact, that same list you cited early, after it was updated One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is still higher than the one part of LOTR that actually made it. Read it and weep:
Oh and while you're at it, go ahead and add Gone With The Wind to the very long list of films that are better than LOTR.
Gone With The Wind came out in the 30's, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest came out in 1975, we were talking about 1975 vs. 2001-2003 moron. You seemed to think they were equivalent.
No you didn't demonstrate that box office results = cultural impact.
This topic is about LOTR not respecting the source material and not telling a coherent story. Stop hijacking my thread.
Again who is talking about TDK??? Do you have a severe case of ADHD or something? You seem to have a hard time staying on topic.
No demonstrate that box office results equal cultural impact. And how do you measure popularity? What unit is it measured in?
You have 1/3 of a film and ROTK is nowhere to be found. Facts are a bitch aren't they.
Stop deflecting this discussion isn't about TDK, the only one who ever mentioned it is you.
You provided a subjective definition and you weren't able to connect it to LOTR, you are far from proving your point.
This discussion isn't about Star Wars and since you never mentioned inflation before I did that means you didn't know about it.
Nope never said it.
Nope, your definition never said that it had to be released publicly, therefore it can be a trilogy and not be released publicly or rated individually.
Also it says that only the FOTR segment was added to the list later, so even your precious (no pun intended) ROTK segment wasn't even good enough for the list yet OFOTCN is on there. Damn you suck. Also both Titanic and Pulp Fiction are on there.
Even if I grant you that, the definition is subjective, you still haven't demonstrated how LOTR made a "mark on American society in matters of style and substance."
Hahahahahaha, really resorting to wikipedia??? Keep it coming kid. Also the wikipedia definition was subjective and I am not going to entertain it.
Why was Denethor crazy??? You can only use supporting evidence from the theatrical cut. Why was Merry able to wound the Witch King? You can only use supporting evidence from the theatrical cut.
No you didn't say that originally, you didn't know about inflation until I educated you.
Nope I never said that, and you never demonstrated that any of this equates to cultural impact so all of your points are debunked until you can.
Actually it can only be asserted without evidence because your own definition never said they had to be released to the public.
Actually you haven't provided anything, you just made up your own definition and included whatever data you needed to to spin it in your favor.
No you didn't you just made up your own definition. I need to see an objective definition that mentions all of those things. And this definition needs to be agreed upon by the cinematic community.
I shouldn't have to watch the extended cut, the theatrical cut should make sense on its own.
Doesn't matter, you tried to imply that 2003 dollars = 1975 dollars. Apparently your 3rd grade teacher never taught you about inflation, hahahahahahaha. Makes sense.
Never said IMDB had more credibility than the Oscars, and OFOTCN is one of three films to ever win all 5 major Oscars, LOTR didn't even come close to that.
The amount of people who believe something is irrelevant to the validity.
Your definition that you are going by said nothing about it having to be released to the public, so therefore I don't need to show you.
Also I'm going to need to see a definition that says cultural impact includes all of the things you just mentioned.
Hahahahahahahaha OK kid, you were right the shield surfing was in TTT, something I admitted in the very next post. But whatever you need to make you feel good about yourself, LOL.
I'm not putting words in your mouth, you said I had no right to complain about the theatrical cut if I wouldn't watch the extended cut, the theatrical cut should stand on its own and as of now it is riddled with plot holes (example: Denethors insanity).
OMG you are deluded are you seriously comparing 1975 dollars to 2003 dollars? And One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is one of three films to ever win all 5 major academy awards, something your precious (no pun intended) LOTR film wasn't good enough to do.
No double standard at all, I understand changes have to be made because what works in one medium doesn't always work in another, the changes should make sense though. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a great example of a film that differed from its source material for the better.
I don't need to prove it, my trilogy satisfies your definition. It never said it had to be released to the public. Stop making this up as you go.
You didn't catch me at anything, me accidentally saying the shield surfing was in ROTK is irrelevant to this discussion. You just bring it up because you have nothing better.
No you said I need to watch it to make sense of the theatrical cut.
Explain how that equals cultural impact??? One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest has better numbers explain its cultural impact to me??? You can't even define cultural impact which is the basis of your entire argument.
No because The Godfather made sense on its own and any changes to the source material had a point to it. Learn to stay on topic.
Your definition never said it had to be released publicly, by your own definition I created a Pulp Fiction trilogy because it is "3 related things". My trilogy has satisfied your definition. Suck on it kid.