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Sparky's Posts
Biden bends over at podium, asks to be banged by republicans
What? NFL players go into a-fib all the time! Necessary football gear: helmet, pads, defib device
Kamala: F the honkeys!
Ukraine files to join NATO which would formally start WWIII
Joy Reid: intent on ruining blacks and America
And on the "broken clock is right twice a day" theme...
Fact checkers now coding
Covid Vaccine Update of the Week
Eurostat: Excess mortality hits +16%, highest 2022 value so far
The criminal left: We admit to voter fraud- Trump did it
Special Master Mastered
Bacon is the character in this, I never caught myself thingking he was acting
Dr. Robert Malone calls the CDC out on their fraud, and he looks pissed!
'I’m praying that this film helps all the people who have lost people' says arrogant out-of-touch Wakanda Forever actres
US govt priorities in temporary shutdown avoidance bill- $12.4 billion for Ukraine, $1 billion for Americans
First Openly Trans US Army Officer and Wife Arrested in Plot to Give Medical Records to Russia
G.K. Chesterton quote that Meloni mentioned
Of the list of possible suspects of bombing Nord Stream, only one country benefits...
Military recruitment numbers TANKING
Parent Group Challenges School District’s Planned ‘Transgender Awareness Week’