MovieChat Forums > Stir of Echoes (1999) Discussion > Bacon is the character in this, I never ...

Bacon is the character in this, I never caught myself thingking he was acting

That might be the best compliment I can give an actor. Some performances are tremendous but I'm very conscious that there is acting going on. Kevin Bacon is the kind of actor that gets into the depths of his characters, wears the like a skin suit.


I just re-watched this movie (maybe I shouldn't have done it) and I think the opposite, I think Kevin Bacon was horrible here, he deliver his line so poorly. When he is angry he is not convincing at all. Even the little kid acts better than him.


Yeah he was great. Bacon is so ubiquitous that it’s easy to forget how great of an actor he is. He really elevated this little ghost story with an excellent portrayal of a working class electrician from Chicago gradually driven mad by ghostly visions.


Robert Downey JR plays himself in all films.
