Season 8 - Episode 5 (Chalk Two Down)
I just finished watching this episode and the whole thing just feels so stupid with so many things just not making any sense like they have done it to dragging the story out.
1. They could of just put the presidents body in a body bag and grabbed the black box straight away or at any point really.
2. Easily again when they first form a defensive line planted some charges on that ridge also it's strange no scout was sent a head or even use the drone to look ahead.
3. For a crash that had very little damage it killed all the people onboard that doesn't add up plus they would of photographed all that and it gets uploaded to satellites we didn't even see clear shot of the presidents face could it be a staged site?
4. That general who charges on and does a press announcement come on someone would of stopped him or cut the feed he has history only few episodes back to be doing this sort of thing yet they are happy to share info with him.
5. The whole bombing the site again is dumb they could of easily used laser guided or used smoke for targeted fire.
6. Some one mentioned it in another thread their is no way that two presidents would of have one escort their would of been Apaches around also why was their no Apaches about now they can easily work in these environments the whole thing about the trees is just BS
The problem with this show is it has gotten so stupid it started out well and the fantasy world plus dumb things that appear now has spoiled it for myself.
I expect I have missed out fair more things
What do the rest of you think about this episode?