Enrique's Replies

Midnight Cowboy Tootsie Papillon I'd be ok with them if they made them all like The Dark Knight and Logan. The Joker looks amaze...can't wait for that. I slammed the dresser drawer on the tip of my penis once. I had just gotten out of the shower, naked, and I grabbed socks out of the drawer to get dressed, then slammed it full force, not realizing my willy was hanging in between. I screamed like no other. The pain was almost unbearable. I might even have a scar. No, child. I'm familiar with all the gender studies bullshit. You're just accepting the liberal media "truths." I didn't say gay had anything to do with transgender. It sounds like you just wanted to point that out. I used gay as a separate example. And yes, I challenge the notion that people do not choose to be gay. Again, pay attention: if you raise a male child, at 3 years old, to be gay, condition and encourage that person to be gay from then on, that person will mostly likely grow up to be gay. Let me rephrase so we're not lost on the semantics: that person will likely grow up to date and have sexual relations with men. If an interest in women comes, it's going to be long after he's courted men already. A parent could raise any toddler as trans or gay starting in infancy, and that person will grow up to that result. It works the same way as religion. You raise a child with your religion, they always grow up becoming that religion. Mormons raised Mormon become Mormon. Terrorists spawn terrorists. Dictators spawn dictators. Muslims raise Muslims. No 14-year-old Muslim raised in a strict Muslim household ever says, "Dad, I've been doing some reading, and I'm Catholic now." You can raise children to be almost any ideology you want, and 99% of the time they're going to grow up to that desired result. And if you raise children to believe that being straight is normal and expected of society, they're going to grow up having healthy, normal relationships with the opposite sex. Children raised in a traditional, normal family do NOT grow up to be gay arbitrarily. Gays become gay because of a childhood trauma, or encouraged by leftist parents. It's ENVIRONMENTAL. I'm straight as heck, but I remember when I was about 5, watching Michael Bolton in concert on TV, and I said, "he's cute!" My dad told me, "No, that's a boy. Boys don't like other boys. Boys like girls." It was just an innocent comment a kid made: I knew nothing about sex, attraction, gender roles, or any of that. I was a Toddler! But what if my parents taken that comment seriously, and raised me as gay, because of that one comment I made when I was 5, when I didn't know anything yet? What if, from 5 onward, my dad started pushing the idea of being gay on me? At 6, 7, 8 years old, my parents asking me, "so any cute boys at school? Do you have any cute boy crushes?" Then when I'm 12, and start becoming interested in dating, I would have had years of conditioning and encouragement since infancy that I'm *supposed* to date boys, so who knows if I would be dating boys for a while before I came to realization I like girls, if at all? Point is, if you take a toddler, raise him as as gay or trans, he's going to be a trans when he's 14. When otherwise, if you didn't raise him as trans, it would be long forgotten when that kid is a teenager.