MovieChat Forums > SweetTooth43 > Replies
SweetTooth43's Replies
Only with a condom on. Who knows what kinda Std's Depp gave her.
Removed from what, the internet? Good luck with that.
6 for me
You really haven't lived until you've watched it.
🇺🇸 Trump 2020 🇺🇸
He's a good actor in my opinion. He knows how to play the role given to him. There are bad actors out there who keep getting roles. He's not one of them.
Ah, good ole KOWALSKI chiming in. Of course. The message board warrior who types in ALL CAPS to make up for his other shortcomings.
I would help an injured person if they weren't infected. Unless of course we were cornered. Then I'd use said person as a human zombie plow and save my own ass.
It's a man with a wig on! What the hell do expect people to say? "Oh, he's so beautiful?" Gimme a break. It's a terrible photo and you know it.
Blah blah blah blah blah! If you're "disturbed" by this, you got problems.
The third one got a little ridiculous though
John Wick is just silly bs
Fake news. I have a hard time believing anything anymore.
LMFAO! I forgot about that line. Then the look they gave Peewee after he said it. Love it!!
I would buy her