MovieChat Forums > SweetTooth43 > Replies
SweetTooth43's Replies
I gave it a solid 7. Clever written story, something different. I like how the tension builds as she runs out of time and exhausts every option. Well acted on her part, she did a good job of showing emotion without overacting. The twists and reveal of her location were pretty interesting as well.
Iron Maiden isn't in it? U friggin kidding me?
Dumbfuck, mf'er.
If that one thing takes you out of a movie, you better just stick to your phone.
Just stay unemployed then. Uncle Joe will send you a Link card
There it is
Jack Reacharound
Am I the only one who got your joke?
He could've been so much better. His first Star Wars appearance in decades and what does he do? He throws the lightsaber over his shoulder and goes and drinks some blue milk. So stupid!
They don't make contact in tournaments now? That's pathetic. I can't say I'm surprised though. It's fitting for this generation of wimps and crybaby's I suppose.
You're taking about a fictional character dude. His appearance in TLJ was a disappointment cause it was written poorly. So were VII and IX.
Well I don't agree with that. I thought it was a clever, well written, well acted, dark comedy/action that came as a nice surprise.
It really is a great movie!
I don't
It'll be hot
Are you triggered Kowalski?