MovieChat Forums > MoviesSuck > Replies
MoviesSuck's Replies
2.6%, according to my National Geographic DNA test. And if you’re interested, 0.4% Denisovan.
Never assume.
I wish that I could project the illusion that I never poop. It’s my least favorite animal thing that I succumb to each day.
What’s wrong with objectifying? These value judgments based on appearance are how animals have been deciding who to spread their genes with for the past billion years. Don’t let the fucking #MeToo movement make you think otherwise.
Because hippies are disgusting.
Nobody is listening to you now.
Make a FetLife account and see for yourself.
“...the saga.”
What a pretentious phrase.
Gimmick. Yawn.
Russian Ark.
What makes you think I’m a boy?
But no.
Except no.
I know men who love this.
Who gives a damn about the majority? What are you, the Empire?
Yes. She works at a space eggroll factory. It gets so hot in this “spaceroll” factory that her and her comrade workers have no choice but to strip completely nude while pumping out those delicious little shrimp and pork nommie noms.
It’s number three.
I like the lightsaber duel.