MoviesSuck's Replies

So true. God, he is the absolute worst. Is that true? Where did you hear that? Costner is a fantastic actor, so I’m sure it’s for the best. Trust me, I wish it were a joke. I’m not a Chris Nolan fan. Glad he has the original actors coming back, though. Okay, better now. Hang on while I puke on my shoes. Brb. Never knock “The Most Dangerous Game”. It’s one of the best short stories ever written. I know because I’ve read them all. All of the hot girls you know will someday be old and disgusting. You will be, too. Hence why you should bang as many as you can while you can. No excuses, no wasting your time playing video games, no feeling sorry for yourself...just get in shape and then go get it, son. Adam West is easily my favorite Batman, and I bet that the only workout regimen he followed involved banging extras in his trailer. Everyone creamed their pants over Episode 7, and then the film went on to gross 99.9999999% more than all films ever made, so it looks like Mike nailed it once again. Episode 9 was Kathleen Kennedy’s fault. Space Cop is a masterpiece. I’m actually not. Personally, I think Mike is brilliant. What are you saying? Are you saying that “Space Cop”, “Gorilla Interrupted”, and “Oranges: Revenge of the Eggplant” suck??? I agree with Pattinson. Fuck it. Calm down. If this movie inspires just one person to go and research ancient Mesoamerica, then all of the historical inaccuracies will have been forgivable. You people (and by that I mean blacks) need to stop treating fictional films as if they’re documentaries. The filmmaker has only one responsibility to his (because women can’t make movies) paying audience, and that is to entertain. End of story. Saying that it looks like it was shot in the modern era is an insult to Heat. Seinfeld is a smug prick. His show was obviously great, but that had more to do with Larry David than anything else. As for his standup, he couldn’t possibly be more boring or dated. The worst part is that he thinks he’s engaged in some life-altering enterprise by standing on a stage and telling dad jokes. Der der derdy der gee yer so smart der der derp. Quiet down, you pompous ass. The corn brothers are nowhere near the intellectual gods that you proclaim them to be. Great reply. Wish there were more thoughtful takes on these boards. Qui Gonn Just kill me. These movies are too painful. Impacted colon. No, because nobody gives a shit about Star Wars anymore. Disney has seen to that.