joi2049's Replies

>Question remains if the dems can even get him to release it even after the fact since it's not required by law to release them even though everyone else had. He's already got his lawyers and AG backing him. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin already blocked the request with a letter to Chairman Richard Neal. The Treasure Sec and anyone else who's attempting to KEEP the OVER SITE COMMITTEE from getting the TAX RETURNS (that the LAW CLEARLY STATES they have a right to see once they request them) can also be sent to JAIL for 5 YEARS for their attempts to BLOCK the process. And guess who else can also end up IN JAIL for refusing to COMPLY with the LAW they're BREAKING now. THE SCAM MAN HIMSELF who also ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and was ORDERED by the COURT to pay people back $25 MILLION BUCKS can also be ARRESTED as well. And it will also be POETIC JUSTICE to finally see the ORANGE MAN who keeps breaking laws behind BARS wearing an ORANGE JUMP SUIT. Every GALAXY has a BLACK HOLE at the center of it. It's weird how we can photograph one that's 50M light years away but we can't get a photo of our own Black HOLE. Too much DUST is in the way … or something ??? Yes I think he'll be there. In the scene where he's with his sister ... and they're on their way to the place where they find GANT is the only crew member still alive … SPOCK also gives one the impression that he KNOWS much more about what's going on than his sister does. TRANSCRIPTS: Time to destination approximately two minutes. SPOCK: I understand your need to pursue Leland, but you must not dismiss the importance of the signals in defeating Control. MICHAEL: How have the signals done anything to protect us against Control so far? SPOCK: We do not yet have the context necessary to answer that. MICHAEL: Then why are you here keeping an eye on me, while there's a signal over Boreth waiting to be contextually explored? SPOCK: These signals have invested in Discovery, your mother, myself. Common denominator is you. M: You're a scientist, Spock. You've been taught to trust logic, trust the facts, not wait for the universe to hand you a solution like a birthday present. If you're looking for meaning in the signals, you need to look somewhere else. I'm not it. S: You are angry, as I was. M: I'm not angry, I'm enraged. S: And rage is the enemy of logic. This I have learned. Everything we thought we knew proved wrong. And you lost your mother because of it. You are in pain. But that is why I choose to believe these signals still hold the answer. So that everything we have experienced will, in the end, have meaning. [CONSOLE BEEPING] We have arrived. Spock That looks like the entire crew. SPOCK: According to my scans, the ship appears undamaged. They were all ejected from the ship. Wait, there's one life sign. One of those bodies is still alive. Locking on for transport. - Lieutenant Gant - You know this man? Kamran Gant. He was our tactical officer aboard the S