Dems will never see Trump's tax returns [pending]
That's some next level logic. Trump won the election so everyone is fine with what he did.
That's some next level logic. Trump won the election so everyone is fine with what he did.
But he promised we would. Shows what his word is worth.
shareActually he promised or rather said he'd release it once he isn't under audit no more which means never since he's always under audit for a decade or more.
But the IRS doesn't prohibit anyone from releasing their tax returns if they're under audit. Try asking yourself the question (if you're capable of it), why is he using this as an excuse to withhold them from public scrutiny? Everyone who's not a moron or won't condone criminality knows this is suspicious and raises a huge red flag.
shareIf that's the case, then it's up to those who interview him to question him on that legality. All I ever heard/seen is MSM questioning him on whether he'll release it or democrats are requesting it and he just makes the same excuse where it ended there. No follow up on him being under audit doesn't mean you can't release it (unless you can provide video evidence of the contrary).
shareIt is the case. I distinctly remember when he was the using the audit excuse on the campaign trail that the head of the IRS said publicly an audit does not prevent the returns from being released.
shareFirst he said he'd release them. Then, when whoever explained the facts of life to him and how bad it'd look, he came up with the "audit" story. But as Sandoz points out, being under an audit, or even a perpetual audit, doesn't stop him from releasing his tax returns. That's just another of his stories he throws out there knowing the faithful will believe it, and I don't think he cares about the critical conservatives or the Democrats -- the latter would hate it if he cured cancer.
shareDo you have video of where he said this? I can't find it. I could only find him claiming he's under audit shtick. Yes, I realize now being under audit means nothing and that it started for every president/vice president after the Nixon administration scandals. You learn something every day.
Question remains if the dems can even get him to release it even after the fact since it's not required by law to release them even though everyone else had. He's already got his lawyers and AG backing him. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin already blocked the request with a letter to Chairman Richard Neal.
It was during the Primary debates. He said a great many things during the Primary debates that have since gotten lost in the shuffle.
We need that law to force them all to release their tax returns.
If he's got nothing to hide but the fact that he's really not as wealthy as he claimed, we already know that. He said repeatedly that he was financing his own campaign, and when I went to see what his site was like it had not ONE, but TWO "DONATE" buttons. And that was on the first page. What does a guy who's financing his own campaign need with donations? I rest my case -- his word means nothing.
"We need that law to force them all to release their tax returns."
Exactly--it used to be on the "honor system" that all presidential candidates would release their tax returns. Unfortunately, we now live in an era where being dishonorable and dishonest is tolerated and even celebrated by a certain portion of the electorate (and their money-grubbing representatives in Congress). The only way, going forward, to remedy this sorry state of affairs regarding the financial misdealings of any future Presidents is to pass a law and make releasing their personal and business tax returns a requirement.
My mother used to say that the only reason they wanted in public office was to "line their pockets." That was way back when. She wouldn't believe what's happening today.
shareIllinois is taking a stand. Check it out. Wont allow Trump to run unless he releases the returns.
shareYeah i just saw a news story last night that there are something like 19 states that have resolutions in various stages pending that will prohibit candidates running for President to appear on their ballots unless they've released their returns. What it didn't spell out was what kind of time-frame they all want to see. I would think to really tell if someone was crooked or shady you'd have to be able to review AT LEAST going back ten years from the election date. It would be pretty hard to cover up misdealings over a period that broad.
shareI thought Illinois decreed 6 years.
Heh, found one dating back 2014.
Maybe ... or maybe not.
But anyone concerned about the future of this country sliding into dictatorship should be hoping they do. There is no gray area in the law, it's as clear as day the law spells out that the Ways and Means Chairman can request "and shall receive" the president's tax returns. There's even precedent when it was exercised with Nixon.
So if it comes to pass that Dems don't get his returns, that would mean the president can abuse his power to break the law with complete and total impunity. That doesn't bode well for our immediate future.
Right now it's coming down to whether Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is really that much of a sycophantic patsy that he's willing to break the law to protect the president. Mnuchin will apparently instruct the IRS to refuse congressional requests, under his fake legal doctrine known as “The law doesn’t apply to Donald Trump.”
The House of Representatives will then sue to compel the IRS to comply with the law, and the IRS *should* lose in court, or until the case reaches the Supreme Court. But even there, the law is so clear they should lose 9-0 in a sane world. That's when we get to learn if we truly live in a banana republic. But Trump's strategy is clear. Even if he does lose the case eventually, this is all a giant stalling tactic for the next 19 months until he can secure re-election.
>Question remains if the dems can even get him to release it even after the fact since it's not required by law to release them even though everyone else had. He's already got his lawyers and AG backing him. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin already blocked the request with a letter to Chairman Richard Neal.
The Treasure Sec and anyone else who's attempting to KEEP the OVER SITE COMMITTEE from getting the TAX RETURNS (that the LAW CLEARLY STATES they have a right to see once they request them) can also be sent to JAIL for 5 YEARS for their attempts to BLOCK the process.
And guess who else can also end up IN JAIL for refusing to COMPLY with the LAW they're BREAKING now.
THE SCAM MAN HIMSELF who also ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and was ORDERED by the COURT to pay people back $25 MILLION BUCKS can also be ARRESTED as well.
And it will also be POETIC JUSTICE to finally see the ORANGE MAN who keeps breaking laws behind BARS wearing an ORANGE JUMP SUIT.
I don't disagree. But who do you expect will indict Mnuchin for breaking the law? Bill Barr's DoJ?!?!?!? LOOOLZ.
See the problem?
Yes there's definitely a problem …
which is also why what the SCAM MAN is doing is leading to a MAJOR CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS.
And his placing 2 JUSTICES onto the COURT also means if the PROBLEM ends up in the COURT SYSTEM we could end up with still another CRISIS SITUATION again …
like back when GORE WON the ELECTION like HILLARY also did this time ...
but the SUP CT decided BUSH would sit in the OVAL OFFICE instead of GORE.
And his brother who was GOV of FL at the time also decided to throw the election there in favor of his OWN BROTHER.
Since the SCAM MAN also has LESS than 2 YEARS left before the NEXT ELECTION, that may also be the way he'll end up in JAIL where he belongs.
Because as INDIVIDUAL ONE he's also already been named as a CO CONSPIRATOR in the case that's put COHEN in JAIL.
And if a DEMOCRAT WINS the ELECTION then that would also be the way MR. M ends up in jail.
And it would also mean the REPORT that BARR's refusing to give CONGRESS (without his COLOR CODES on it) will also be RELEASED without those REDACTIONS in it as well.
So either way, eventually the SCAM MAN and the REST of the SWAMP CREATURES that he's placed in power will still end up IN JAIL where they belong.
TRICKERY succeeds sometimes, but it also COMMITS SUICIDE in the end.
How long do you think the ORANGE SCAM MAN would survive there in PRISON wearing an ORANGE JUMP SUIT and sleeping with the ROACHES???
He's also already SLURRING his words and saying ORANGES instead of ORIGINS.
So maybe his ending up BRAIN DEAD from the same condition his father had could also be a BLESSING in DISGUISE if he ends up spending the rest of his life there???
If Mr Trump has nothing to hide. Then he should have no problem releasing his tax returns. Unless he dose have something to hide. Like all those dead hookers buried under trump tower.
P.s. just so you don't get so pissy. That last part was a joke.
He can't hide from the IRS, why is it anyone else's business what his taxes are?
shareIt's no ones business unless you're the most powerful person in the country. No cares if he wasn't though but he took the job to become leader of a nation and a part of that nation wants to know if he's a crook or not. You already saw how he rubbed it in on the dems faces when the Mueller report summary by Barr came out that he didn't collude in conspiracy with Russia. He could do so again with his taxes and strengthen his base further if he wanted. Pretty much a win win for him but this particular case he's really protective of it. Almost like there is something he doesn't want people to see.
shareJust like Barr is protective about releasing the full Mueller report and Trump went from saying he wants the full report released to now saying demands by Democrats to release the full report are a "disgrace" (clearly after his lawyers got ahold of it and informed him what was in the report since we all know Trump doesn't read) almost like there's much there they don't want people to see.
Face it, the 'win' over the Mueller report is by all appearances right now completely contrived because he successfully installed his cover-up man Bill Barr. The American people agree, which is why his fake 'exoneration' hasn't moved his popularity ratings. Unless we see the full report clears him, Trump rubbing it in as a 'win' is just him getting ahead of himself as usual and taking the pliable MSM for a ride.
Trump has claimed that he is under continual audit because he is a "strong Christian."
I think that the House Oversight Committee should investigate this outrageous religious persecution by the IRS. Bring in the head of the IRS and demand he explain why the President is being audited. Show the details of that audit to prove that it is not a matter of religious persecution.
"Strong Christian" lol he claimed he never asked for God's forgiveness because he's never done anything wrong. Even non-Christians know that according to Christianity, that would be impossible for a human. And yet republicans constantly ask us, "How does Trump have a big ego? Prove it to us!!" It's like they never listen to the guy speak.
shareit is crazy. Every nominee for 40 years has released their tax returns. So, why don't Republicans demand them to be released?
You know what Trump and his dittoheads DID demand to be released? Obama's birth certificate, which is something no nominee has EVER had to do.
Why are Republicans always so backwards?
And he did it too but in long form (that's too much words) so it didn't count for right. In their eyes, he's still a Kenyan.
Dems can do what they want. They control the house.
In a two-page letter, Neal writes that he believes his committee is well within its rights to see the President's tax returns and that he expects a decision from the IRS within the next 10 days.
"I expect a reply from the IRS by 5:00 p.m. on April 23, 2019. Please know that if you fail to comply, your failure will be interpreted as a denial of my request," Neal writes.
The letter leans heavily into the committee's legal rational for the returns and Neal writes that, "I am aware that concerns have been raised regarding my request, and the authority of the committee. Those concerns lack merit. Moreover, judicial precedent commands that none of the concerns raised can legitimately be used to deny the committee's request."
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Saturday said he has "not personally spoken" to Attorney General William Barr about a congressional request made by Neal for Trump's tax returns.
When asked by CNN, the secretary told reporters that the Treasury's Department's legal office has been in consultation with the Justice Department's lawyers.
"Those conversation have started, but it would be premature for me to conclude how long that will take, because as I've said these are complicated issues," said Mnuchin, who was speaking on the sidelines of the annual International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington. "And I think it's more important to the American taxpayers that we get this right than we hit an arbitrary deadline."
Can't wait to see how Trump squirms his way out of this one. I also can't wait to see the excuses from his cultists.