joi2049's Replies

According to what those who have the first 6 episodes of the show have to say (due to the way they write professional reviews of it), you're definitely NOT "misreading the subtext" of what's going to happen. The way the younger brother looks at the rear end of his naked older brother as he walks towards the bathroom (to jerk off to some porn on his laptop) definitely seems to foreshadow what might happen in the proceeding episodes that we have coming up. And it's also curious as to how the older brother (SAXON) objects to the younger brother (Lochlan) sharing a bedroom with their sister ... by saying that it isn't appropriate for him to do so. So was that a hypocritical remark on Saxon's part (due to the way he wants the younger brother sleeping in his room because he's the one who wants to seduce him)??? Or will SAXON be the one who gets seduced by Lochlan? Or could the reason why SAXON objects to Lochlan sharing a room with the sister be due to Saxon wanting to seduce the sister himself (who he also claims has never been laid before)??? Since Lochlan also chose to join and first spend time with his sister before later joining Saxon at the pool, perhaps what may happen is Lochlan will defend the sister if Saxon does try to seduce her??? So instead of our witnessing an actual incest situation taking place, what may happen is Lochlan's putting a stop to that kind of a situation ever happening??? 🤔 Did a search to see how common incest is and found this: [quote]It is a problem that can be seen in all social classes in developed and undeveloped societies. Although incest is a worldwide problem, it remains a neglected social issue. The World Health Organization classifies this problem as a silent health emergency. Father – daughter incest (34.9%) was found to be most common incest type followed by brother – sister incest (14%). 75% of the perpetrators were family members and relatives with consanguinity while 25% of them were not consanguineous but faithful and intimate relatives to victims.[/quote] So whereas you chose to assume that the creator of the show has issues, perhaps he's just addressing a problem that is more common than one would otherwise assume it to be??? What about the other character from last season who was having sex with his uncle??? Just because Tanya assumed Quentin wasn't his uncle doesn't mean he wasn't. And when Portia confronted him about it the guy also never denied or admitted that Quentin wasn't his uncle. In other words, perhaps the boundary that you say you don't need pushing was already pushed for us last season??? 🤔 Thanks for your thoughts!!! Since the PRE NUP only seems to apply as long as Tanya was alive, perhaps once she dies the Pre Nupp no longer applies??? Found this: [quote]Chloe and her man aren’t guests of the resort. They own a home nearby, where they’ve lived for a year, but take their meals at its lovely outdoor restaurant[/quote] And once she's asked what she did for a living when she was in London, the model also paused and seemed evasive with her answer, which creates the impression that she might be a hooker (like the other girl Lucia was in Italy last season)??? So that may also explain the reason why she's with Greg (who's using another different name now)??? Greg also looks strange as he wipes his face as if he was sweating or something? He definitely didn't look very comfortable sitting there at the table for some reason. Still another article claims that Lucia from Italy was like Greg: [i]Mia and Lucia aren’t so different from Greg; like him, they used sex and lies to get money. [/i] But Mia also didn't hatch a PLOT to kill anyone and was also being sexually exploited by both the father and his son whereas Tanya didn't exploit Greg. And you're probably also right about how the rich guy (Timothy) did something shady ... especially with the look of ALARM that we see on his face after the wife makes the remark about being in another country to escape punishment after cheating on their taxes. She was joking, but the look on his face indicates the hubby didn't find any humor in what she'd said. If his funds get frozen, wonder if the family could end up working there as a way to pay off their hotel bill??? Interesting idea about the smoking guy (Rick) being the son of the owner. I was thinking he might be an under cover FBI guy and the owner husband knew who he really was, but your idea makes more sense as to why he seems so angry for no apparent reason. Your other idea that the mass shooting might be the security guard also makes more sense than the monkey idea as well. Especially after the way we see him upset that the girl was talking to the other 2 body guard guys that he tells her are arrogant. So if he sees one of them grab her and getting too aggressive with her, it's also easy to see how that could end up with the 3 of them using their guns to fling several bullets at each other. And if the 2 FBI guys mentioned in the PREVIEW clips also get involved, then that could mean 5 people might have a shoot out??? But wasn't there also some preview clips showing us there's some kind of a ROBBERY that takes place??? I just hope poor Belinda won't become a gun shot victim so that she can collect some kind of reward to start her own business from an insurance company or something for turning in Greg (who may have also taken out a life insurance policy on Tanya or talked her into making him a beneficiary of her current policy). It's easy to miss it ... but Tanya complains in S2 about how once she pays for doctors to cure him how Gregg seems to have lost interest in her once he knows that he isn't going to die. But since she also finds the photo of Gregg with the other gay guy, it also looks like their relationship was based upon another SCAM to get her to marry him for her money (half a billion) so that Gregg's other lover could keep the palace that he inherited in Italy. And now that we've also seen Gregg at the other WHITE LOTUS in Asia (and according to the PREVIEW clips for Ep 2 of S3) ... it also looks like we've got some FBI GUYS there ... maybe as a way to SPY on Gregg ... and possibly wanting to capture him due to the death of Tanya ... (unless they're there to arrest the other guy for cheating on his taxes). The White Lotus 3x02 Promo "Special Treatments" (HD) This Season On | HBO series And since he also had a PRE NUP agreement with Tanya, Greg may also be searching for still another RICH woman to marry for the same reason as he married Tanya??? And even though she's dead ... Tanya's also supposed to show up again in S3 ... so she'll most likely also be a GHOST who haunts Gregg for the part that he plays in her death (taking her to ITALY where he dumps her so that she could be exploited by his other lover)??? [quote][b]if we know anything about this subtext and nuance-heavy show, that means something. Second, in light of the circumstances around Tanya's death, especially with Greg's alleged part in it, it'll be near-impossible for the series to not overtly address the previous season. [/b] this ongoing aspect of The White Lotus makes this and potential future seasons so much more exciting. the most intriguing part of Greg's return is the potential to address the conspiracy around Tanya's death in the previous season of The White Lotus. During their stay in Italy, Greg had to suddenly leave for work, which was around the time Tanya incidentally met Quentin (Tom Hollander) and his gay posse. As Tanya and her assistant, Portia (Haley Lu Richardson), become more entangled with the group, they uncover theories about Greg and Quentin teaming up to kill Tanya for her money. Due to the prenup, Greg is unable to get his hands on Tanya's money unless she dies and Quentin is slowly going broke, making him also desperate for cash. the third season may reveal whether Greg and Quentin were actually colluding together to scam Tanya out of her money Each element of this premiere feels like it is gearing up for a high-stakes confrontation or revelation [/quote] Anyhow, for all we know the so-called doctors who CURED him and saved his life may also have been still another SCAM or way to get their hands on Tanya's money as well??? In other words, maybe Greg was never really ILL at all and the doctors that Tanya paid to cure him weren't really doctors??? What I like about S3 is how none of the four females being PREYED UPON by the other PREDATORY NARCISSISTIC Guy (called Saxon) at the swimming pool were the least bit interested in him. Did you see the way he behaved like a SHARK while he was in the water and was looking around for someone to ATTACK? Saxon is probably also another younger and much less sophisticated version of the predatory Greg. Captain PIKE from STRANGE NEW WORLDS is also in DISCOVERY as well (which is how he got the SPIN OFF show). A young SPOCK is also in DISCOVERY as well, and the girl who has the starring role was also ADOPTED by his parents and raised on VULCAN. In other words, she's also his adopted sister ... but since she also ends up on a TOP SECRET SHIP called DISCOVERY ... that goes on a TOP SECRET MISSION 900 years into the FUTURE TIME ... Spock and others who know about it also agree to never mention any of those who go on the mission. Because if the info got into the wrong hands, then it could result in the end of the FEDERATION, and lots of other species (including humans), if an ENTITY called CONTROL knew where they'd gone). Because they also took with them some TOP SECRET INFORMATION that CONTROL wants to get CONTROL of (CONTROL is also even worse than the BORG). BUMPING up for the fani poster who began a topic asking what Section 31 is without eve bothering to check to see that there's already a TOPIC here that explains this for them. [i]They're pandering to idiots overseas that can't understand American-style story-telling that's beyond bad writing[/i],_Mirror_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series) Mirror,_Mirror_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series) [b][quote]"Mirror, Mirror" is the fourth episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. The episode involves a transporter malfunction that swaps Captain Kirk and his companions with their evil counterparts from a parallel universe (later dubbed the "Mirror Universe"). "Mirror, Mirror" is one of the most celebrated episodes of the original Star Trek series, and the Mirror Universe was revisited in episodes of later Star Trek series.[1][2] Still another link tells us this: Lorca was out recruiting more forces to his side for the coup when (Mirror) Stamets sold him out to the Emperor. The Emperor’s ships came to him and he flew his own ship into an ion storm. The effects of the ion storm caused a transporter malfunction that sent Lorca to the prime timeline (and presumably sent Prime Lorca to the mirror universe). This method of jumping universes is a callback to the first mirror universe episode, “Mirror, Mirror” from Star Trek: The Original Series. In that episode, it was a transporter malfunction caused by an ion storm that swapped Captain Kirk, Dr, McCoy, Lt. Uhura, and Mr. Scott with their mirror universe selves, just like what happened with Captain Lorca. [/b][/quote] When the NEW TREK does the SAME THING as the OLDEST TREK did (The MIRROR WORLD EPISODE was also "one of the most celebrated episodes of the original Star Trek series"), then it MAKES NO SENSE whatsoever to claim it's BAD WRITING or to say that someone panders to IDIOTS who can't understand US storytelling. 🙄 [quote]all scifi keeps going for ever larger weapons, by now we're at parallel universes fighting each other with weapons that can wipe out a whole universe and the movies we're getting is basically just fighting with barely any storyline in it.[/quote] If you go to this link you'll find PROOF that the GODSEND could only wipe out a QUANDRANT (not the ENTIRE UNIVERSE): As for the other FALSE CLAIM that we get "fighting with barely any storyline, there were also only FOUR fight scenes in the entire SECTION 31 FILM. And since the STORYLINE that we get in S31 is also the SAME ONE that we got in PICARD (a team of MISFITS who become HEROES and SAVIORS), WHY is it people PRAISE PICARD (which also had more FIGHT SCENES) yet put down S31??? And whenever we EXPLORE the MIRROR WORLD (or another completely different UNIVERSE) then we are also EXPLORING the UNKNOWN. And that also means the ORIGINAL IDEA has NOT been dropped because KIRK, SPOCK, and others from TOS also explored a MIRROR WORLD as well. Global web icon Wikipedia › wiki ›,_Mirror_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series) Mirror,_Mirror_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series) [i][b]"Mirror, Mirror" is the fourth episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. The episode involves a transporter malfunction that swaps Captain Kirk and his companions with their evil counterparts from a parallel universe (later dubbed the "Mirror Universe"). "Mirror, Mirror" is one of the most celebrated episodes of the original Star Trek series, and the Mirror Universe was revisited in episodes of later Star Trek series.[1][2] Still another link tells us this: Lorca was out recruiting more forces to his side for the coup when (Mirror) Stamets sold him out to the Emperor. The Emperor’s ships came to him and he flew his own ship into an ion storm. The effects of the ion storm caused a transporter malfunction that sent Lorca to the prime timeline (and presumably sent Prime Lorca to the mirror universe). This method of jumping universes is a callback to the first mirror universe episode, “Mirror, Mirror” from Star Trek: The Original Series. In that episode, it was a transporter malfunction caused by an ion storm that swapped Captain Kirk, Dr, McCoy, Lt. Uhura, and Mr. Scott with their mirror universe selves, just like what happened with Captain Lorca. [/b][/i] In other words, before you complain it would also be HELPFUL to first know the FACTS of the matter that you've complained about. Especially when the NEW TREK does the SAME THING as the OLDEST TREK did (which was also "one of the most celebrated episodes of the original Star Trek series.") 🙄 Here's another amusing video clip where someone combines together several times when Seven speaks to NAOMI: Star Trek Voyager: Every Time Seven Says "Naomi Wildman" Also saw the S31 FILM yesterday and LIKED IT very much. Which also leaves one to wonder why there's so much NEGATIVITY ... especially when it's basically about a team of MISFITS who do HEROIC things ... just like the PLOT of PICARD is the same thing ... yet PICARD mostly gets POSITIVE reviews??? Makes NO SENSE whatsoever ... except for how certain people seem to have an AGENDA to try and RUIN certain stories for what appears to be no good reason !!! 🖖 Finally found it ON DEMAND and watched it yesterday. And also ENJOYED watching it enough to give it THUMBS UP like you did. 👍👍👍👍👍 Also hope we get SEQUELS as well. Since it ends with the Jamie Lee Curtis character who controls S31 asking them if they're ready for the next task, what do you think the next assignment might be??? If the MIRROR UNIVERSE no longer exist anymore (from the GODSEND device being used to BLOW UP the passageway to it), is it possible Georgiou could travel back to the FUTURE AGAIN without having to worry anymore about the break down and the deterioration of her body ??? Would also LOVE to see her visit the DISCOVERY SHIP that's in the even more distant FUTURE time ... like the other character does in THE SHORT TREK story called CALYPSO ... where GEORGIOU could also have a conversation with the AI named ZORA. Remember how ZORA fell in love with the guy and created a HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE of herself that danced with him before sending him on his way with FUNNY FACE written on the back of his SPACE POD??? A conversation taking place between GEORGIOU and that FUTURISTIC version of ZORA could probably be even more interesting. And we also know the KLINGONS have plenty of TIME CRYSTALS there inside of the CAVE where PIKE got one from that enabled the DISCO crew to travel 900 yrs into the FUTURE. Yes Naomi is in the show for many episodes. She also has a special kind of relationship with the COOK as well (like she has with 7 of 9 and Janeway). This is the reason why VOYAGER is my favorite Trek series ... due to the way JANEWAY mothers 7 of 9 (who was only 6 yrs old when captured by the BORG), then 7 mothers a group of other Borg kids, etc. (due to the way that she's learned how to do so from Janeway). The character studies one is presented with throughout the series are excellent. At the end of the story (END GAME) there's also an OUTSTANDING confrontation between Janeway and the BORG QUEEN (whereas Next Generation just ends with the crew playing poker like it says they do again in PICARD). 🖖 Never really pay attention to Ratings ... due to the way it seems most people these days don't like films that deal with character studies ... which is what mostly interests me and vice versa. There's an excellent film called JANET PLANET (not a SCI FI story), for instance, that's an outstanding character study which hasn't received any OSCAR nominations at all (even though the young actress who portrays an 11 yr old did get a much-deserved CRICTICS CHOICE award). Therefore, the reason why what's usually of interest to most peeps, usually isn't of interest for me, and the reason why one hardly ever pays any mind to whatever it is that most people say or think. Because doesn't one also already have the ability to use their OWN MIND as a way to decide whether or not they like something or not ... thus also still another reason for making the ENTIRE RATING process sound very silly??? And since when have human beings ever agreed with each other about whether or not something is good or not??? 🤔 Still another possibility is how they could also have him film some scenes to use so that it would be the REAL HIM. Her character has changed A LOT by the time you get to PICARD. She's gone ROGUE (same as Picard has). And that's [b]what also puzzles me is how that show is also about a SHIP of so-called MISFITS (who are also HEROES) the same way as S31 is also about a group of characters who are MISFITS (who are also HEROES) as well. Yet fans LOVE PICARD and don't seem to like S31 which has the same basic kind of a PLOT line???[/b] If I can find it I'll post one of my favorite scenes from VOYAGER where Janeway deals with the little girl on the ship (who also clings to 7 of 9 who also mother's the girl the same way as JANEWAY does). Naomi Wildman Asks Janeway If They're Going To Rescue Seven 🤔 With the use of AI, wonder if they'd be able to create a show using his image if and whenever he does pass away??? The IRONY would also be how his human body gets replaced with an ARTIFICIAL body in the story itself. So for that reason using AI as a way to recreate Patrick would also be like LIFE imitating ART. 🖖 Which season & eppy of VOYAGER are you currently watching? VOY was my FAVORITE ST series due to the way JANEWAY is a mother hen to 7 of 9 and to the rest of the crew (she also attends to what they call the 3 lost sheep crew members) as well as to the little girl on the ship. On the other hand, Picard didn't like kids or interacting with them. So for that reason the Voyager Capt. was a nice CONTRAST the NG Captain. "END GAME" was also my FAVORITE eppy (a story which takes place in the SERIES FINALE). Found another article that says this: [quote]Alok (Omari Hardwick), whose secret backstory is directly linked to an unjust systemic prejudice in the heart of Federation law, a rare black note in Trek’s utopia that recently formed the backbone of one of the best episodes of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. [/quote] Have you seen this eppy from STRANGE NEW WORLDS??? Do you know the name of it??? Do you agree there's "an unjust systemic prejudice in the heart of Federation law???" 🤔 A search indicates the Culture books began in 87: Publication Order of Culture Book Consider Phlebas (1987 The link in the OP says S31 made it's TV debut in DS9 in the 1990's: What is Section 31? The 'Star Trek' spy organization explained: Section 31 made its TV debut in the 1990s courtesy of "Deep Space Nine" The MAJOR DIFFERENCE seems to be the CULTURE BOOKS had NO GOVERNMENT, whereas S31 is a SECRET ORGANIZATION which is part of a culture that still has a Government. And IF it's a RIP OFF situation as you suggest, then why wouldn't the creator of the CULTURE BOOKS have also SUED for damages if their stories had been RIPPED OFF??? 🤔 According to this article it sounds more likely 7 of 9 is going to Captain a Star Ship in another SPIN OFF show called STAR TREK: LEGACY: [quote]Star Trek: Picard season 3's finale, "The Last Generation," also sets up producer Terry Matalas' proposed spinoff, Star Trek: Legacy, with Seven Of Nine (Jeri Ryan) becoming the Captain of the newly rechristened USS Enterprise-G and Jean-Luc Picard's son, Ensign Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers) meeting Q (John de Lancie). The entirety of Star Trek: The Next Generation's cast - Patrick Stewart included - have suggested they would be happy to recur or guest star in Star Trek: Legacy, and the rest of Star Trek: Picard season 3's actors would also commit to a spinoff. But despite a dedicated fan campaign online, there are no plans from Paramount+ to develop Star Trek: Legacy. [b]As time passes, the possibility of Star Trek: Legacy becomes more daunting due to the actors and creative team's busy schedules.[/quote][/b] But as you can also see, even that show becomes less likely to happen as more and more time goes by.