MovieChat Forums > The White Lotus (2021) Discussion > Gregg cough (maybe spoilers)

Gregg cough (maybe spoilers)

I’ve just rewatched seasons 1 and 2 and the only bit I don’t understand is why was Gregg’s cough/health problems written into season 1? In season 2 he is no longer coughing. Maybe I’m being thick. Is it something to do with conning Tanya into marrying him before he dies, or something along those lines…that’s all I can think.


Showrunner Mike White has confirmed that it is simply a head fake to throw off the viewing audience. Early on in each season premier, we learn that someone is going to die, and it becomes a guessing game for viewers as each season plays out. Gregg Hunt coughing and Bert Di Grasso falling and hitting his head, are deliberate plot devices to falsely add suspicion that these characters might be the fatal victim at their respective season's end.


It's easy to miss it ... but Tanya complains in S2 about how once she pays for doctors to cure him how Gregg seems to have lost interest in her once he knows that he isn't going to die.

But since she also finds the photo of Gregg with the other gay guy, it also looks like their relationship was based upon another SCAM to get her to marry him for her money (half a billion) so that Gregg's other lover could keep the palace that he inherited in Italy.

And now that we've also seen Gregg at the other WHITE LOTUS in Asia (and according to the PREVIEW clips for Ep 2 of S3) ... it also looks like we've got some FBI GUYS there ... maybe as a way to SPY on Gregg ... and possibly wanting to capture him due to the death of Tanya ... (unless they're there to arrest the other guy for cheating on his taxes).

The White Lotus 3x02 Promo "Special Treatments" (HD) This Season On | HBO series

And since he also had a PRE NUP agreement with Tanya, Greg may also be searching for still another RICH woman to marry for the same reason as he married Tanya???

And even though she's dead ... Tanya's also supposed to show up again in S3 ... so she'll most likely also be a GHOST who haunts Gregg for the part that he plays in her death (taking her to ITALY where he dumps her so that she could be exploited by his other lover)???

if we know anything about this subtext and nuance-heavy show, that means something. Second, in light of the circumstances around Tanya's death, especially with Greg's alleged part in it, it'll be near-impossible for the series to not overtly address the previous season.

this ongoing aspect of The White Lotus makes this and potential future seasons so much more exciting.

the most intriguing part of Greg's return is the potential to address the conspiracy around Tanya's death in the previous season of The White Lotus. During their stay in Italy, Greg had to suddenly leave for work, which was around the time Tanya incidentally met Quentin (Tom Hollander) and his gay posse. As Tanya and her assistant, Portia (Haley Lu Richardson), become more entangled with the group, they uncover theories about Greg and Quentin teaming up to kill Tanya for her money. Due to the prenup, Greg is unable to get his hands on Tanya's money unless she dies and Quentin is slowly going broke, making him also desperate for cash.

the third season may reveal whether Greg and Quentin were actually colluding together to scam Tanya out of her money

Each element of this premiere feels like it is gearing up for a high-stakes confrontation or revelation

Anyhow, for all we know the so-called doctors who CURED him and saved his life may also have been still another SCAM or way to get their hands on Tanya's money as well??? In other words, maybe Greg was never really ILL at all and the doctors that Tanya paid to cure him weren't really doctors???

What I like about S3 is how none of the four females being PREYED UPON by the other PREDATORY NARCISSISTIC Guy (called Saxon) at the swimming pool were the least bit interested in him. Did you see the way he behaved like a SHARK while he was in the water and was looking around for someone to ATTACK? Saxon is probably also another younger and much less sophisticated version of the predatory Greg.
