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NiggardlyChigger (99)


Proof that socialist health care is a lie Top 8 headlines on CNN, all in praise of Peter Buttplug Didn't the CIA have proof of Russia collusion? Facebook bans former president of Ecuador Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail for plotting to murder Julian Assange? Why do we celebrate Job Creation? Is this a reboot? Why do marginalized groups support censorship? Russia predicts no global warming View all posts >


"What's that you say? You got fired from your job? Have fun being homeless loser! Come back when you get some money." No you didn't. You knew what I am, but it's not that. You wanted attention you got it. GlenEllyn has zero empathy. She thinks it's okay for men to go without sex. As a woman she's never gone without sex. ShogunofYonkers can fantasize about physically assaulting people all he wants but he's going to jail long before he takes out an entire third of the population. Who's going to protect GlenEllyn from beta males then? The government? In many ways the government is creating this problem by taking over the role of husband. Women can get alimony and child support, and we all have to pitch in for their health care and day care and everything else. Who needs a man anymore? This is a corruption of society and women are losing their place too. They let themselves go and still expect high sexual capital. A third of women are over 40 and bitter childless cat ladies. Nobody actually believes their fat acceptance movement. Why do we have such contempt for sexless men in this unfortunate situation? Read through this thread again, but this time, imagine that instead of someone who can't get sex, we're talking about someone who can't get a job and support themselves financially. It's beyond heartless. It will shock you how vindictive it sounds. Talk about entitlement. How dare a "loser" try to talk to you without permission. You're lying. The whole point of your story is that you know it's a turn-on for women to have men fight over them. Getting rid of the family has been a goal since Plato. It's the foundation of progressivism, the number one source of inequality. Steven Hawking predicted Earth would already be destroyed by now by global warming. You can look on github right now and see exactly what Katie Bouman contributed to the project. She contributed an option to change the font size of the captions. Are you kidding me? The media is trying to give her sole credit. She herself went through back channels to release information to them ahead of her team, and all the time referring to it as her discovery rather than her team's discovery. She's a fraud. The people who did the actual work are defending her because they don't want to be fired, for sexism. But it's not a scientific discovery. It's a theoretical rendition of a theoretical object. It's like when ancient Greeks used to draw pictures of Zeus or something. "Very cool". View all replies >