MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Russia predicts no global warming

Russia predicts no global warming

There are 30 something major computer models tracking and projecting climate. They're all run by western countries like America and England, and they all say the same thing. Steady temperature followed by sudden catastrophic increase. Hockey stick. Except one. Russia's computer model is the only one that doesn't do that. And so far it's the only one that's been right. The thing that's different about it is that the others all presume these runaway feedback loops (more carbon dioxide means more water vapor which in turn means even more carbon dioxide which means etc...) and so they take off toward the sky as soon as you turn them on, and then when we see that they turn out to be wrong, we hindcast the new data and start again, and yet again get the same wrong result for the same reason. Why are only Russian scientists aware of this?


Can you post a link?


I put great faith in Russiađź‘Ť


Why are only Russian scientists aware of this?

While I have no direct knowledge of things like weather patterns and predicting of same, the answer could be that Global Warming is a big business for both money and political reasons. Again, could be.

The 10K years or so humans have been (mostly) civilized is a very small window out of 5 billion years to use to predict long term trends.


Fossil fuels are the largest and most profitable business sector. So there is no need to for a conspiracy to make money, only to keep the current money train rolling.

The US Navy was among the first, if not the first, to observe, report on, and document global warming following WWII. It was considered a matter of national security until it became inconvenient to the oil companies then it became a "conspiracy." Also weather is not the same as climate.


The US Navy was among the first, if not the first, to observe, report on, and document global warming following WWII.

Compared to what?


I think it's because of a number of reasons.

1.) Studying earth's climate is a complicated task, and frankly, I'm irritated that our own scientists are only paying attention to the changes in just a few areas. If you're gonna study earth's climate, you study THE WHOLE DAMNED PLANET, not just the Amazon rainforest, or your own countries. It's a very stupid, and only gives limited information.

2.) Many of our climate scientists are getting their funding from people who are trying to push an agenda. The "save the planet from cooking" scheme is one of the biggest scams ever inflicted on the Free World in this time in history. They over-regulate and put penalties on rich, industrialized western nations, while completely ignoring all the pollution and environmental violations 3rd-world countries do. To make matters worse, they don't even lift a finger to make things cleaner and more efficient, they just slap people on the hand and say "NO you can't do that!"

3.) Former scientists, including some that worked at NASA can back up reason #2, for they were so fed up with what was going on, they quit their jobs. There is even evidence that the govt. shill scientists have been "cooking the books" and faking data so it looks like the earth is warming up, when it actually isn't.

4.) It appears the climate scientists in Russia are doing real research and don't have any agenda in mind other than to study and learn what's actually going on with earth's overall climate, and that's no small task, particularly with the tech available in that part of the world.


Russia doesn’t have a hidden agenda ?


No, as stated in point 4.


So are you saying Russia is a climate change denier?


If multinational billion dollar companies are telling me to give my hard-earned money away to stop manmade climate change/global warming/whatever term they've thought of now, I know something's not right.
