MovieChat Forums > ATG6 > Replies
ATG6's Replies
It's not meant to be humorous. Most of it is pretty good.
My Statistics professor in college had the class try to predict heads or tails before he tossed a quarter. About half the class predicted heads, and the other half predicted tails. it landed on its edge.
Then hopefully they'll do a follow up movie about John Von Neumann -- the smartest man who ever lived, who also played a key role in the Manhattan Project:
<blockquote>Von Neumann made major contributions to many fields, including mathematics (mathematical logic, measure theory, functional analysis, ergodic theory, group theory, lattice theory, representation theory, operator algebras, matrix theory, geometry, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics & ballistics, nuclear physics and quantum statistical mechanics), economics (game theory and general equilibrium theory), computing (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, numerical meteorology, scientific computing, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics. He was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics in the development of functional analysis, and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor and the digital computer.
Von Neumann published over 150 papers: about 60 in pure mathematics, 60 in applied mathematics, 20 in physics, and the remainder on special mathematical subjects or non-mathematical subjects.[16] His last work, an unfinished manuscript written while he was dying, was later published in book form as The Computer and the Brain. </blockquote>
Men cheat for lots of reasons. Looks is just one of them.
I'm guessing there are some pretty big explosions, and expensive secret labs.
This was the best episode, by far. Best acting, best concept, best tie to real technology (and future technology.)
It was cringe throughout. If the Devil had that kind of power, why the big plot to steal one single soul?
Not really forced, just reflecting reality.
Yeah, the ending was horrible. It would never happen, ruined the whole episode. There were so many better ways to end it.
Better than the ratings would indicate. More like a 70s or 80s movie though. Great acting by the lead actress, with a good enough plot.
I needn't have worried, there's a real life answer:
<blockquote>Donovan reportedly made her first million when she was just 19 — a year after she moved to Florida to pursue modeling and build the Barbie lifestyle of her dreams, the blond bombshell told Truly.
“I bought over seven houses now in total,” Donovan said.
Donovan invited Truly for a tour inside one of her properties — a $2 million mansion that she calls her “Barbie Dreamhouse.” </blockquote>
As if Marvel movies aren't generic CGI action flicks.
At least DC swings for the fences from time to time, instead of playing it safe.
Still way better than Streamberry....
They did look familiar to me.
This was pale and boring compared to Ben Hur.
Air was a great movie, with great acting.
The concept was clever and the acting was great, especially from Hayek.
I'm surprised Netflix let themselves be mocked like that.
Several seasons about John Adams would have been too much. But a series about the era, spanning say 1760 to 1820 or so would have been great. The cast was amazing, especially Adams, Franklin, Jefferson and Washington.
It doesn't seem like the sort of series Hollywood would make anymore though.
Still the best Banner.
The RV was cool too.