AndyKing1967's Replies

+1 Well that was underwhelming. Reported for thinking I’m Roman. I could go for being Lex Luthor. I’m a cheeky chappie. Reported for using Roman numerals. Reported for making things episodic. Reported for responding to my answer. It’s a trap! Reported for asking. Why do you think the Deathstar is so big? A New Hope, countless times. Everything else, twice. This song is just for you: - The early stuff is trippy, which is ok. The next period was iconic. The later stuff more chilled. Reported for not rejoining with, ‘the other is in the Albert Hall’. And ones that I have watched with my daughter when she was about the same age 👍 It was either: - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bedknobs and Broomsticks It would have been around 1971/72. S1-5 are excellent! Snappy dialogue, cool stories I’m enjoying the ride so far. I like Andrew Gold. Reported for unfriending.