MovieChat Forums > striderwind > Replies
striderwind's Replies
*eagerly awaits Cruisin to start trashing WA's dojo with devastating two-armed chops
You mean to say you're not online 24/7 to provide immediate responses?
That was such a weasel move. WA has less bravery the Daniel.
That was beautiful. The world needs more men like Mr Terry Silver.
No mercy
Gwyneth: Cried after winning an oscar
Daniel: Cried after altercation with Dutch in the locker room
Oh how I've missed these 'vs' threads
Markle: Duchess of Sussex
Daniel: Douchebag of Reseda
Markle: Estranged from father
Daniel: Abandonded by father for being a massive disappointment
I'm sure that over the years Miyagi managed to swindle other young impressionable boys. That college money proved useful in funding his idle lifestyle of fishing and boozing.
<blockquote>The jury felt the same way. </blockquote>
It's a good thing he wasn't able to bribe them. I imagine inviting the DA to a dinner of poached tilapia didn't go down too well either.
<blockquote>Are you getting The Thick of It in prison? No pun intended.</blockquote>
As my charitable gesture, I would like to offer this piece of advice the next time he experiences rectal bleeding: It's blood. So what? Make believe it's his
Might make his 25-year stretch a bit more bearable
<blockquote>You said "I could EFFECT (mistakenly used a noun instead of a verb) the closing of IMDB."</blockquote>
He's clearly wrong but won't admit it, even with your clear explanation and irrefutable proof. Even the great Terry Silver couldn't turn this wimp into a winner.
<blockquote>Guess he’s back from Tahiti. His absence was nice while it lasted.</blockquote>
This time, make his knuckles bleed.
<blockquote>The thread was created to honor someone’s memory. You’ve made it about yourself. Bad form</blockquote>
Agreed, the disrespect shown is disgusting. I guess some people have no class.
That was beautiful! I'm crying tears of laughter here. That was definitely reminiscent of the KKIII IMDb glory days. Keep up the excellent work.
Cobra Kai never dies brother