Daniel vs Meghan Markle
Markle: Tears apart the Royal Family.
Daniel: Tears apart the Mills’ front porch.
Markle: International scandal
Daniel: local embarrassment
Markle: Tears apart the Royal Family.
Daniel: Tears apart the Mills’ front porch.
Markle: International scandal
Daniel: local embarrassment
Oh how I've missed these 'vs' threads
Markle: Duchess of Sussex
Daniel: Douchebag of Reseda
Markle: Estranged from father
Daniel: Abandonded by father for being a massive disappointment
Markle: Prince Harry
Daniel: Underage Judy
See now, you start a vs thread and some of your Kai chums join in. I respectfully keep out of it (don't care much for the vs threads anyway), but some wanker (cruisin109) has to ruin it and make it all about me. And not even as a vs!
It's not me who is spoiling your fun there is it?
Cruisin makes a legitimate point. We all have our suspicions about your role in Megxit.
shareBut he ruined your topic by making it about me.
Guess your hypocrisy stops you seeing that though eh?
He didn’t ruin it. He brought up the relevant connection linking you to the Megxit scandal. You can create a diversion, but the truth will come out. You betrayed your Queen and country.
shareFuck the fuck off!
When you get to where you have fucked off to, fuck off from there as well.
Keep fucking off until you get back to where you started, then fuck the fuck off!
He makes no relevant point whatsoever. This is/was a Daniel vs Meghan Markle thread, not a wearsalan thread. You wish to fanatsize over my role in Megxit then make a separate thread about it where it belongs.
Now let's just say for a moment that Wears Alan's antics at Harrods caused Prince Harry to abdicate.
Would WA just fall to his knees and cry "yes yes I confess.. I did it! I destroyed the Monarchy.. oh and by the way add another life term to my sentence?"
Even though he’s locked up, the fallout from his actions continues to harm those on the outside.
Markle: Flees Britain, leaving trail of unanswered questions.
Daniel: Flees Cobra Kai dojo, leaving trail of urine.
She doesn't understand the constitution, this is a guy being kidnapped.