MovieChat Forums > Miyagido > Replies
Miyagido's Replies
It's watchable. It's by no means a terrible movie but it's not very good. It could have been a good starting point for the new trilogy but they never really had a plan so it went nowhere.
Ah the "fake hate" theory.
The only (real) praise comes from nu-fans or bots who can safely be ignored.
The fairest thing I can say about TFA is that it was the best of the Disney trilogy.
High quality poster here folks! lmao
Trump is penetrating your frontal lobe on the reg mate, your brain is Trump's pussy! Just an empty space for him to dump his load lol
Utter cope and you know it.
"no ones crying"
"many republicans it seems had hissy fits, mental breakdowns"
More duplicitous double standard bullshit from Chang (by the way we spell it "won" not "one" protip)
China isn't sending their best!
VoiceofRMB could work in a cinema he projects so hard. Seems you share that trait.
There's not much point trying to debate them as they never argue in good faith, I just like to mock them these days.
Rice and hookers don't pay for themselves you know!
"Muh Russian collusion" yeah yeah you're as credible as a Q nutter
Rent free!
I often wonder how many misdiagnoses of gender dysphoria there have been. There doesn't seem to be consistency, with many professionals having their own criteria and standards for diagnosis. In one study only a third of patients were correctly diagnosed.
"CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there is little consensus, at least among Dutch psychiatrists, about diagnostic features of gender identity disorder or about the minimum age at which sex reassignment therapy is a safe option. Therapy options proposed to patients with gender identity disorder appear to depend on personal preferences of psychiatrists. These results underline the need for more specific diagnostic rules in this area."
Ah the old "I don't like the way you said it" chestnut.
No way José
Your source is irrelevant to the conversation at hand. Gender dysphoria being a mental illness is the topic.
78% of gender minority students meet the criteria for one or more mental health disorders, as compared with 45% of cisgender students. 60% of gender minority students screened positive for depression, and more than one third reported seriously thinking about suicide in the past year.
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.
The rates of depressive symptoms (51.4% for transgender women; 48.3% for transgender men) and anxiety (40.4% for transgender women; 47.5% for transgender men) within the current study far surpass the rates of those for the general population.
Oh don't try and pull that card. You understand this is a public forum and not coffee morning in your lounge yes?
No you inferred it.
When did I say you liked him?