CaldoTheKid's Replies

Yeah at the time he wanted to try new things. But now because of his age and it's not like he really has any other roles to exploit for big bucks, he's ready to embrace it. If memory serves, it took him a while to agree to Cobra Kai. There is a scene where he is all alone and he has the flashback telling him he has six months to live. I believe he never really wanted to do Part 2 & 3 but was contracted to. I could be wrong but didn't he take a few years off to focus on family and instead did cameos etc? He was also older than Terry Silver's actor. Even if he did get off the boat, he has a terminal illness and has about 6 months to live, it shows you Terry having a flashback when he is himself, so he was honest when he told Daniel/Johnny he didn't have long left. This movie takes place three years after Season 6, so in reality Silver would be dead either way. Yeah it's most likely a continuity issue then. We do know from Kreese that Johnny did lose to Daryl Vidal which he tells Robby in Season 3. However I'm certain in KK3 they mention Daniel is the first to do it two years in a row. Didn't Johnny say he won his first title in 81? I guess he loses in 82 and won again in 83 against Tommy I believe? I suppose could just be a continuity issue. Unless they retcon his illness in Cobra Kai and explain he managed to get off the boat in time doubt it. It comes out in Season 6 that he has a terminal illness, hence all his talk of legacy etc. If they still canon to the show, which seemingly as far as I know they intend to, best case scenario is he appears in a nightmare sequence. Apparently she was asked to cameo in Cobra Kai and declined. She seemingly hated the production of NKK and let's be honest it's not a career defining role for her as it was Macchio, Zabka,Kove etc. Don't forget this one Apparently this takes place three years after the events of Cobra Kai Season 6. Given how apparently Mr Han knew Miyagi, I guess he could give Daniel answers about what happened at the Sekai Taikai. I suppose we may get cameos from Amanda, Sam, Anthony & Johnny. I feel Miyagi being alive in the show means there wouldn't be a show. Back in Season one he'd tell Daniel to forget the stuff with Johnny, that Johnny is trying to get his life in order after being a failure for years. He also wouldn't need to train with Robby when he gets back into Karate as he'd train with Miyagi. Also I guess you could say it's a recurring gag but Daniel always tries to do with Miyagi would do and fails big time. Then at the end he realises Miyagi wasn't some god but a human being and realises he has to do it his own way. Wasn't the fact that Daniel won it two times in a row more impressive? Also I think they only really bring it up all the time is because Daniel uses his Karate gimmick in his car business and he's on the All Valley board. I think originally before the show started filming she was originally just to be Miguel's love interest and Daniel's daughter and not a fighter. I guess at some point they changed their minds, but didn't want to sack Mary & recast the role. Off the top of my head she was The Hunt and Logan Lucky. I believe she launched her own fashion line, although no idea how successful it was. Yeah she's not as popular as she once was, but it wouldn't quite put her in the has been category like Ralph was or the almost made it like Zabka before Cobra Kai. I'd have liked to seen her return but understand why she didn't. Another thing I believe she just gave birth, I recall after Season 5 fans had the theory she'd come in and fight the female Kim, until she announced she was pregnant. I get what you are saying, however I'm assuming she's rich enough to either not need to return and get more fans, or at least more relevant that she could her own films/shows rather than revisit the past. Seemingly she hated Next Karate Kid and apparently had a terrible time making it, if true then yeah I don't blame her for not wanting to return. Plus it's not like Shue where she had worked with Ralph, Zabka etc before and would think " Why not I got along with them years ago, one or two episodes won't harm." No nothing about Axel after he loses he tells Wolf he isn't his student anymore. I can see him becoming more like Bobby or from the original movie, maybe not becoming a religious figure, but he'll do okay in life, suppose you could argue he'll have a Barnes lifestyle. In the flashback when Silver meets Wolf, its implied he has financial issues and lost his dojo. Silver said he'll buy back his dojo, but not sure with Silver dead and the fact he lost. I imagine Kreese and Silver died on that boat, Silver had a terminal illness anyway so was screwed either way. Kreese finally admitted he'd been wrong and was prepared to step aside. Iron Dragons spin-off starts with Zara as an alcoholic who has lost everything following her loss to Tory. Tory is now very successful along with Robby following her victory and getting the sponsorship deals. To be fair she's still a sonewhat relevant actress, Ralph, Zabka, Kove where pretty much doing cameos or parts in shitty straight to DVD roles before Cobra Kai. For Ralph etc Karate Kid is their career, for her she probably looks at Karate Kid, the way Bill Gates looks back at his time at McDonald's, it paid the rent for a brief time, but it in no way defines his career.