HelpMeRhonda's Replies

Yeah he makes mistakes like that every now and then. Uh, that's what he said. It's certainly not a perfectly written story. I thought her death was cheap, but the movie I thought was just cheap thrills. So whatever. Maybe they won't make him up to be Indian. The story is pretty spooky and freaky. That was a freaky show. It's the truth, or close to it. Flight of the Navigator I'm pretty sure this is a Larry the Cable Guy joke. Great explanation. I thought Freddie was serious about his excellent reputation as a salesman. And maybe once upon a time it was true. But Slade recognized Freddie's BS old timer story, just like we and Freddie recognized Slade's. And ya know, thinking how he is Jody's brother, he probably knew of her classmates. They seemed to know who he is. I'm sure he thought it strange and surreal to be hanging with her sister's classmates all of a sudden. I could see how that'd be the case! Good movie but kind of a bummer! It's touching also. Yeah that's true, I remember hearing about that. I know what you mean, but I think that was the point. Mixing it up a little by allowing us to watch the protagonist learn something we already knew. And then have to learn it again. Plus she saved those kids and the deaf woman. She was a hero! I was surprised when they killed her off so unceremoniously. Was he from Sanford and Son? Did I mention the car we rode in was a little deuce coupe? Carlos the bartender. Just to be crushed by a statue while you're tied would suck. I saw Attack of the Clones after driving without AC the longest 30 minutes on the hottest day in Texas, and my best friend and I left the theater thinking it could have been a lot better. We were 10 years old. The beginning, the Colliseum scene, Yoda vs. Dooku, the thing with the bounty hunters. That's pretty good. But everything with Anakin is just good in parts, and he's the main guy. A lot of it was freaking boring. I never will forget though, seeing him at the beginning and just totally believing him in the role. The week before I heard a radio promo saying that Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron was a more exciting movie. I proclaimed, "Bogus! There's no way! Nothing's more action packed than Star Wars!" The week after Star Wars, we drove the same 30 miles and saw Spirit, per request of my younger sister. I left the theater thinking, "Wow. That radio ad was right." With that being said, there's nothing like being 10 years old and having your best friend come home with you after school Friday night, and going to see the new Star Wars the next day. The movie kinda sucks. The theater is gone. Haven't called up the friend in a couple of years. But the memory lasts a lifetime. And the drive.