bonerman's Replies

thats the typical leave your brain at the door argument. my point is that they are super sensitive to the smallest sound yet they didnt hear her approach when there were many more of them? doesnt really matter if she was still dripping blood when she did an impossibly high and long jump in the air. great she hid there for a long time, was it during that time that she learned to do a 20ft leap in the air? the teleporting has been an issue on more than just this occasion, for instance when jon snow and the main character army were surrounded on an iceberg north of the wall. But at least nobody in the vale did a flying leap from outside of the battleground to land a fatal blow on ramsey. So this is not a fair comparison. her training doesnt explain her flying leap. sorry but thats too much. The wight walkers could hear her blood drops on the floor but 100s of them couldnt hear her running and leaping through the forest at their king? That scene backfired if they hoped to show how sneaky she was... the clones sort of mimicked what was happening on the surface but when the movie shows a flashback from the main characters perspective they played a trick on us by showing the real girls perspective. So no, its not clever writing its trickery. And poor writing. I hold the current record for oldest person ever and the most doctorates of things. also this movie was made for kids, look at all the santy clause humour Im an older and more educated man than you, and it was for kids. the part that doesnt make sense is when the lady remembers her night at the beach she remembers it from the real girls perspective. They trick the audience this way but how can she remember it from the real girls point of view? The entire movie is filled with what I felt were childish jokes. And ya I get it they are kids in the movie, but it was aimed at children yet the adults in the theater were gobbling it up. I feel bad for DC if this is supposed to be their deadpool. One of the corniest films I have ever seen, aimed at children. I seen it last night as well, and my complaint isnt that shazam is a child but rather the movie was directed towards children. This is the most child made super hero film ever. It is also very cringey at times, it is hard for me to give a full review without spoilers but this will be a big time flop its so bad. not a chance it flops Canada we dont have stuffs like that first show, last show, any show on a saturday is $25 where I live $10 tuesday um that is the exact opposite of my experience. saturday is the busiest day of the week with the most millenials attending the movies. it is also the most expensive day of the week, tuesday is the cheap day. thats great, and will you watch the final episode a week after wednesday? what will you do next? way to spoil it for every single person visiting this board. he put the trash can on the hydrant so he wouldnt get a ticket for parking in front of it. how old are you?