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demolition's Replies
Also the Troy Evans character is going from Taco Bell (not shown) meeting up with Lenina Huxley, Chief Earle, Edgar Friendly, his followers and what could be a SWAT team along with Alfredo Garcia after he joined the rebellion putting on armor and getting a gun. I hope soon more fan fiction on the movie. The sequels should be left just as fan fiction. I'm usually for fan fiction to what's not happening. There have been some changes on fan fiction. There should be John Spartan's allies manage to incapacitate a couple of Simon Phoenix's cryo-con henchmen. That would make more sense like during the final battle as one guy is knocked out by Lenina Huxley and she shoots the other one killing him as he got back up drawing a knife. There are casting ideas updates. Lots of actors from Goodfellas and the Sopranos to consider back story mobsters like more of mob guys from the 20th Century. http://www.fanfiction.net/topic/4954/4832652/1/#121907058
posted 5 years ago in Demolition Man (1993)