demolition's Replies

I guess the movie didn't do well enough to have a prequel or sequel. In the prequel there should be Yoga fighting Emperor Purple and is defeated by him and ends up on Earth to spoof Yoda vs. the Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious in Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Also there should be the sequel with a girl to defeat Emperor Purple Hood. That should be the final battle. Others to spoof DC and Marvel villains and heroes. Maybe it's a girl spoofing Captain Marvel who defeats Emperor Purple Hood. Michael B. Jordan could be the new Black Panther and fall for Storm of the X-Men. So many died in 2020. We are back in the dark ages. Smoking cigarettes I so much consider insane. I'd like to see her blow bubble gum. We don't know if she does chew gum. Bubble gum blowing is a big turn on to me on hot women and I don't chew gum. There are ideas on those links. They should be adapted into comics like comic books or web comics first. The Tim wiki pages with ideas for movies, books, comics and television shows. There are links by the founder of the TV ideas wiki with movie ideas on the ideas wiki by other people who posted those ideas in... Maybe Episode 8 called be called Assassins and Kingpin hires Typhoid Mary and Bullseye just as Luke Cage and Hellcat face those 2 Daredevil assassins while Daredevil faces Bushwhacker. Iron Fist takes on the Russian while Darkhawk takes on Barracuda. This is the finale when the Punisher meets with the Defenders founding members in the end of that episode stating that he killed Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin. Those heroes all go their own ways. Carl Creel was on Daredevil and Agents of Shield (as Absorbing Man a Hulk villain). Dex becomes Bullseye after being sprung by Typhoid Mary while the Enforcers have sprung Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin. The Enforcers are the first to work for the Kingpin after his escape as this show could have guest villains in it. It is Trish Walker free by her attorneys Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock. Also it should somehow be talked Claw opening up gyms or dojos along with Master Izo secretly after leaving the Chaste while Master Izo with a different name is gambling somewhere and Claw plays pool (it was Stick the leader of the Chaste who played pool in the comics). Surviving villains are arrested by Brett Mahoney and Nick Manolis of the NYPD. This show should happen after more seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and the Punisher and Kevin Feige should canonize the TV shows. There should be comic books to replace the cancelled MCU shows on Netflix. The Punisher Season 3, Iron Fist Season 3, Luke Cage Season 3 and Daredevil Season 4. That should be prelude to the Heroes for Hire miniseries. If it doesn’t get to be a TV show it should be web comics to comics in print. This should all be canonized by Kevin Feige that are Agents of Shield and Netflix TV shows. There could be guest villains that are enemies of those heroes and others out of prison or in return. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing fight Jet and Spit of the Wildboys. There could be an episode called Wildboys. Other villains could be Dragon Man, Leap Frog and Mr. Fear working for the Kingpin while the Daughters of the Dragon with the Wildboys could guest star on an episode just as they take on the Wildboys and the Heroes for Hire take on those super villains in league with the Kingpin. The Daughters of the Dragon vs. the Wildboys with Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage fight Mr. Fear, Leap Frog and Dragon Man. The episode in the season Wilson Fisk the Kingpin faces The Punisher guest starring just as he fights the Kingpin and almost kills him by shooting him on the pier. This should be episode 6 when Daredevil guest stars just as Daredevil faces Bengal while Iron Fist faces Taskmaster while the first episode with the Defenders back and episode 2 of season 2 is called “The Enforcers” while episodes 3 and 4 are the battles of survivors of the chaste vs. survivors of the hand as the Hand survivors work for the Owl in rivalry to the Kingpin. Master Izo and Claw were part of the Order of the Crane Mother. There could be appearances of Stick as a spirit on the show to meet up with Daredevil and Iron Fist. Then an episode 5 called “(other fans could come up with the title idea)”. Episode 6 there are Dragon Man, Mr. Fear, Leap Frog and The Wildboys with the Daughters of the Dragon guest starring. Daredevil with Luke Cage and Iron Fist take on those villains. Episode 7 Darkhawk and White Tiger fight Ammo and Bullet with guest starring Crossbow as Daredevil faces him just as the Kingpin is to have appearances in that episode with other guest villains. It's the episode guest starring Daredevil before the apartment battle when Brian and Mary are defeated by Daredevil and Iron Fist. Those are the Chaste and hand survivors at Matt Murdock’s apartment just as Daredevil and Iron Fist team with Master Izo and Claw against survivors of the Hand who are working for the Owl. They meet up with Master Izo and his pupil Claw. Claw is an Asian America who grew up in New York City and raised there. There is Tyler a woman played by Maya Rosewood on the Daredevil 2 season finale in Manhattan with Joy Meachum, the Bridge of Spiders Alessa, Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori. Specialist is also there. Specialist should be shown in Flashback killing Stone. Iron Fist with Master Izo and Claw take them on as do Daredevil and Iron Fist just before Hulk fights the Owl. Those are survivors of the Hand who work for The Owl. Master Izo in battle kills Joy Meachum. Daredevil defeats Ikari without killing him. He ties him up. Daredevil and Master Izo talk of Elektra in redemption killed Sophia a drug dealer that worked for Madame Gao. Master Izo stabs Specialist killing him. Daredevil and Iron Fist together defeat the Bridge of Spiders Alessa, Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori incapacitating them. She ends up free and joining the team in redemption as Matt Murdock got Trish Walker out of prison. Maybe in episodes 2 and 3 the Punisher joins the team and whacks out Rosalie Carbone and other mob bosses in the 3rd season of Daredevil while DD, Iron Fist and Luke Cage fight the mob guys. It’s in the Hand 2 part at the end Darkhawk fights Lee Owsley/The Owl. Darkhawk with ties up the Owl. He is NY PD. The Owl is arrested as he put back the Hand gathering survivors of the Hand to plot a hit on Wilson Fisk noticing he killed his father Leland. There could be flashbacks when Specialist and his ninjas killed Flame, Wing, Trahn (a woman) and Arrow. They grew up in NYC as did Stick, Shaft and Claw. Master Izo went by Chaste who was the first warrior against the Hand who was believed to be dead all those years as classic ninjas of the chaste are killed. Claw was a pupil of Stick who left the chaste in 2010. There could be showing when Master Izo gave up his eyes in founding the chaste. It's Master Izo that trained Stick to fight. Master Izo hires the original Defenders team along with Darkhawk, White Tiger and Hellcat. There could be an episode called Return of the Hand. Master Izo was long ago born and raised in China and went globe trotting. Master Izo was thought to be dead all those years after shot off of a cliff by a hand ninja Tyler. Claw at Matt Murdock’s apartment building kills Tyler a woman that was from the season 2 finale of Daredevil with a stab of his claw in battle. Those mob bosses from an episode of Daredevil Season 3 have been killed by The Punisher with sub machine guns just as Claw has met up with Master Izo discovering him still alive. The Punisher meets up Master Izo the mentor of Stick. Maybe then if this is Season 4 of Daredevil there could be Daredevil with Luke Cage and Iron Fist taking on various gangsters who worked for those mob bosses and they defeat them. § Heroes for Hire Miniseries (cancelled and maybe not proposed TV show that should be put into comic book 8 issues.) This should take place in 2021 This could also be the Defenders Season 2. All in one Season 3 of Iron Fist, Season 3 of Luke Cage and Season 4 of Daredevil the most. Also the Punisher Season 4. Hellcat, Daughters of the Dragon, Christopher Powell and White Tiger join with those heroes. This is when the Avengers are no more after killing Thanos. Tyler got away as the police have shown up and left the hand but went with Ikari working for the Owl as there are other hand survivors recruited by the Owl. The Enforcers roll call is Snake Marston, Hammer Harrison, Ox, Big Man and Fancy Dan. Daredevil, Trish Walker the Hellcat, Luke Cage and Iron Fist recruit Ava Aayla known as White Tiger and Christopher Powell going by Darkhawk on the Defenders/Heroes for Hire team. The Kingpin is now back in business and rivaled to Lee Owlsey the Owl who wants to kill him for killing his father as he figured it. The Kinpgin has the Enforcers and Paladin working for him. The First Episode could be called the Enforcers to when Hellcat with Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist take them on and Luke Cage defeats Paladin. Iron Fist gets his trademark mask and his clothes green and yellow. The Kingpin is the main villain of that season. Stick could appear from the afterlife to those who were fighting against the Hand. The new recruits on the Defenders take on the Enforcers while Daredevil takes on Paladin on an episode. They defeat those villains. White Tiger and Darkhawk for some time joins the Defenders team lead by Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage. White Tiger Ava Aayla and Darkhawk with Luke Cage and Hellcat on an episode take on the Enforcers and they defeat them on the episode called "The Enforcers” while there is an episode called “Gang War parts 1 and 2”. Those could be episodes 4 and 5 of the series. Patricia Walker is a client of Murdock and Nelson at the time.