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demolition's Replies
Do any of you remember what other shows premiered that year? Also a movie released that year is the first Steven Seagal film Above the Law. Also the very original Die Hard that year. A Mission Impossible TV series was on that year too. A Police Academy cartoon series was that year. I don't think Rob Zombie would ever reference that show in his movies. That show was garbage. Also on that year of the sequel to the Devil's Rejects there was Denver the Last Dinosaur. The Elephant Show is Canadian. The Wonder Years debuted that year. Also in 1988 a Freddy movie, A Friday the 13th, a Halloween movie and the very original Chucky movie Child's Play. I am American and always lived in New Jersey. The time of this movie takes place before the release of the Land Before Time. Also that year Barney the Dinosaur was created. That's worse than the Elephant Show. I'd like to see Baby hack up Barney and Otis stab him on the tail. I watched that show in pre school but 3 From Heck takes place the year I graduated pre school. The first 4 minutes of the movie are in the late 1970's. After showing the prison escape with one of those bounty hunters killed I wasn't sure of what this commercial was for in living. I have the ideas for Rob Zombie on this thread. https://moviechat.org/tt8134742/3-from-Hell/5e7009509cd7f4094100a7b2/The-ideas-for-a-sequel-if-Rob-Zombie-changes-his-mind I liked more the sequels to House of 1,000 Corpses than the film itself. I think it's too early in a part 2 to House of 1,000 Corpses to kill them off. This is my favorite movie. I was born in 1982. This movie takes place in 1988 on the year I graduated pre school. This takes place during my Kindergarten year. Do any of you know of a show called the Elephant Show? It went from 1984 to 1988. I remember from in my childhood Denver the Last Dinosaur. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPdV8jXAjUQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0pMUi8mm18 They could've been to the United States but maybe there could be stories of the Devil's Rejects in Canada.
posted 4 years ago in 3 from Hell (2019)