demolition's Replies

The Buffy movie was his best role. He looked like the Undertaker in it but not as tough. I would think Paul Reubens learned in school like in health classes that private parts in private places. Baseball is where to see men blowing bubble gum. Paul Reubens wouldn't jerk off to GI JOE movie or even Full Metal Jacket. I like action movies. It's giving examples of where to charge him with exposure crimes. I don't think would've at the Elephant Show. I don't watch porno movies. Paul Reubens was treated unfairly. I do like horror movies. George Michael jerked off at a park and there was a bus driver in 2013 jerking off while driving a bus in the Lincoln tunnel. He wouldn't jerk off at baseball games Pee-Wee. We heard he's gay in real life but no proof. I get turned on to hot women blowing bubbles from bubble gum. If Paul Reubens were to get turned to bubble gum blowing he should watch baseball. Rian Johnson should be fired from Star Wars as he let fans down. He should be fired from Star Wars. He let us down. His trilogy won't be backstories to the prequel trilogy. Many of us would want backstories to the prequel trilogy. That's what the next film should've been but isn't. The Game of Thrones crew was better for a trilogy. For the Old Republic/Knights of the Old Republic movies and TV shows there should be sith lords as the villains Anjunta Pall (the first sith lord), Exar Kun (he's master of Darth Revan), Darth Wredd, Darth Revan, Darth Andeddu, Darth Atrius, Darth Caldoth, Darth Krall, Darth Skrye, Darth Krist-Ov, Darth Tanis, Phobos and Descolous. There should be Old Republic soldiers and jedi vs. those sith lords before the times of Darth Bane. Maybe this film is about the first sith lord and the jedi master defeats that sith lord in killing. Maybe TV shows to follow this or before this with old sith lords. • Yoda back story film. (Not known when that should come out but later on.) Those are the ideas for Kevin Feige. That should be the Kevin Feige film. Fans could write in ideas for the back story on Yoda. Never a love interest for Yoda as it's throughout his life time the jedi code against attachment. This is when Yoda has a grand adventure and starts fighting this evil sorcerer bent on ruling the galaxy in the like prologue and then the story with a villain Yoda's up against and kills in the end. Yoda defeats this villain believing him dead but this evil sorcerer is frozen in time for 200 years. This should take place before the show called the Acolyte. Take place before the books and comics of the High Republic. This is a story from 500 years to 300 years before the events of the Phantom Menace. There should be space battles and other villains in battle by Yoda and jedi from the High Republic books and comics while there are soldiers of the republic fighting enemies. The writers could come up with the name of this evil sorcerer. This should be the story when Yoda learns of the sith in 2 earlier on in the movie and some point in the movie Yoda’s master talks of defeating Darth Bane who founded the rule of two. Yoda is told by his master the sith are extinct as he is who defeated Darth Bane killing him. Maybe it’s Christian Bale to play the villain of the Yoda Adventure film. Some time Yoda faces a dark jedi who’s the daughter of the Dutchess of Malastare. She is arrested by the jedi council as Yoda defeats her without killing. This should take place 200 years before Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. This evil is an evil sorcerer that Christian Bale should play. That evil sorcerer wanting to rule the galaxy is killed by Yoda after the final battle. Fans could write in ideas for books or comics to lead into this film and pick up from it. I have ideas for a Darth Bane miniseries for Disney Plus below... Ideas for the Darth Bane TV series. (it's about the jedi vs. sith war and the creation of the sith coming in two) Lord Qordis is the sith leader. Darth Bane is an apprentice. There are battles going on of jedi and sith. Rain is a male in the canon. His girlfriend was killed by Lord Qordis. Rain takes on Lord Qordis in the battle that leads him to the dark side. Rain’s master killed Momin and his master is killed by a member of the jedi council. All the sith but Darth Bane are killed just as the jedi is victorious of the battle. It's anger and hatred that Darth Bane as the last of the sith renames Rain Darth Zannah. It was anger and hatred that he turned to the dark side of the force. The old republic has fallen. Darth Bane in the end makes up the sith rule of two. A master and an apprentice. There's a full scale war with followers of Darth Bane as he rules the galaxy. The jedi learn the sith come in 2. The jedi master who is the same species as Yoda fans could come up with the idea of a name for. The jedi in the fight for freedom battle the sith. Yoda's master battles Darth Bane while the jedi council battles Darth Zannah. Darth Zannah is defeated by a jedi council member believing to have killed him. Yoda's master kills Darth Bane. The galactic republic is formed with a jedi master now the supreme chancellor. He decides the jedi code bans attachment like jedi aren't allowed to be married or even have love interests at all if it isn’t yet in the jedi code. There were some sith in the previous film who were originally jedi that fell to the dark side. It's in the end it turns out Darth Zannah is alive still and goes on to train an apprentice after learning Darth Bane is dead. The sith have the goal to rule the galaxy and wipe out the jedi. There could be books and comics to pick up from there and in between the movies. This could be 7 to 8 episodes with a younger Darth Bane in the first half of the with a younger Darth Bane in the first half of the series and the rest of the miniseries Darth Bane as the sith master and the rule of two and the jedi going up against the last of the sith in that time and the start of the new Republic. There should be a live action Disney Plus Show.