MovieChat Forums > linuxlad > Replies
linuxlad's Replies
Yes, I read the link and no they are not HD.
You confused the original HD broadcast ratio of 6-10 with the resolution.
Next time, finish reading your own cited reference.
Printed Film Format:
Video (HDTV) (seasons 8-10)
Video <b>(SDTV) (seasons 1-7)</b>
1-7 are not in true HD (1080p), they are upscaled and cleaned from 480p for platform streaming and the VE Bluray releases.
8-10 are the only seasons in true HD-resolution since they were captured with an HD-camera.
Sony CineAlta HDW-F900 (seasons 8-10)
How about from a different computer?
If that is not an option or the results are the same, then follow the PM suggestion.
Does that include "Hercules in New York (1970)"?
Are you referring to "TimMC"? He fits your description.
Have you tried a different browser? Download a portable version of chrome or FF and try it.
If his name is not "Scot", then who is "him"?
lol, exactly !
It made sense to me.
<b>Spoilers below this line...</b>
The point was that since the A.I. initiated a catastrophic nuclear war and a possible world ending war, the humans would realize that it was a failure to create human-like robots with automated/independent thinking and sentient.
Yes of course they would continue creating robots like the GUMPS and possibly in the future attempt to create a similar A.I. with a better failsafe, however, since it was the world's first fully autonomous cyborg, then there would be no guarantee that "any failsafe" would be safe enough to prevent a successful world ending catastrophe for both humans and autonomous A.I's; then there would be no third chance or attempt.
Remember, that A.I. was the only one of it's kind and was basically a "trial-run" prototype. Why would they risk a second attempt at world annihilation by "one" or "many" A.I's (if they replicate each other)?. That's the paradox about A.I's; they evolve to become smarter and more clever so they would eventually find a way around any "safe" protocols that humans implemented just like the one in this film.
Because it would be, as he stated: "for the greater good" since he, the A.I. was "the face of never-ending war" for both humans and A.I. so a sacrifice of some including himself was necessary...this was the true irony since the A.I. was sentient with human emotions and independent of human programming to make "those" choices.
It's ok but this season feels a little too slow.
I'm looking forward to it.
I should have known that Netflix would somehow make a spin-off/sequel based on the History channel's success of this series just as Amazon prime did with Syfy's "The Expanse".
McConnell is like the wind, he goes in any direction.
No, that's new to me.
lol, I'm glad I came across this post.
So basically I should watch it as 3, 1, 2.
I enjoyed it, and yes Mackie certainly outshined the drone soldier but he held his own considering the role/script he was provided.
What I was not expecting was the twist in the end as to the A.I.'s true motive.
Those residents are already in danger regardless of what they gave up.
It is not just Pence, Donald is also doing the same to Rudy his lawyer and refuses to pay/reimburse him for his services.
<blockquote>The biden administration said they would give everyone 2000 if they voted for him but then later backtracked stating it would be 1400.</blockquote>
Yes, because since 600 was already sent/approved, then another 1400 would make it a total of 2000.
Changing their minds and lies?...that's a harsh stretch and penalty for a 78yr old that could easily forget/overlook the memorizing of numbers and such since you and your friends here have already diagnosed him with senility...a medical condition just as "narcissist" + "sociopath" are also medical conditions. The biggest difference is that the latter one does it intentionally without any remorse or contrition.
So maybe, seasons 6-7 from this set may look better than a simple upscale as 8-10 are already set in true HD which looks great as is.
Yeah, that's disappointing. I should have realized there was something suspicious when they are selling a 10 season set for only $135.00, when ST sold for $99.00 per season which was true HD-remastered. Looking at several screenshots, it looks like VE just cleaned it up (original film-16mm). I also own the DVD set and the final three seasons 8-10 in digital format which left me wanting the first seven in the same quality. This release is also the same quality that has been streaming on different platforms and advertised as HD. Hopefully another company will do an actual "remaster" of it.