MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

Harris flat out lied about Afghanistan pullout. Read this. "After consulting closely with our allies and partners, with our military leaders and intelligence personnel, with our diplomats and our development experts, with the Congress and the vice president, as well as with [Afghan President Ashraf Ghani] and many others around the world, I concluded that it's time to end America's longest war. It's time for American troops to come home," the president Biden said. I showed you a link in my message. Not my fault you can’t comprehend simple thing. It’s Yahoo News so it’s a mainstream site. It’s a law he signed so you can look it up. And yes infants who had been born died as a result. I’m not voting for a baby killer. Moderator is garbage. Moderator said there is no place in United States where infants are killed legally. Total lie. Harris VP pick signed law that you just said to let infants die who were in a botched abortion. Previous law said you have to try to save them. Worse than what they did to Ann Frank. Infants died because of Harris VP pick which had been born. Also, Harris is not answering questions. Lazy people Proletariat Only Albinos are white. They are the master race. Irish and Italians aren’t white. Also, he was great in Dr. Strangelove and the Tom Clancy films. Sounds like you are jealous he made something of his life. I don’t even think this is a good movie for kids. Kinda boring. The animation is technically good but it is flat and uninspiring. Depends on how hot she is. True How did he encourage it? Not a real answer. I don’t know why people still listen to him. Publicly apologized saying Ukraine war was his fault. I saw Star Wars on television but I did not see the Empire Strikes Back until after I saw Return of the Jedi. I saw Jedi when it was first in theaters. Empire was not out on video yet. I like Empire Strikes back but A New Hope is my favorite Star Wars film. I like Return of the Jedi more than I like the Empire Strikes Back Stupidest comment I have ever read.