Who will suffer under Trump?
Illegal aliens? who else?
sharedems with TDS.
shareEveryone except billionaires and multimillionaires who will receive another huge tax cut from Trump.
shareFrom the retard that lives in mom's basement and never paid taxes.
Everyone who pays taxes paid less under Trump. You shits just prove that you're completely economically illiterate.
Trump wrecked the economy with record unemployment and bankruptcies = less taxes
Trump wants to end Social Security and Medicare to finance his tax cut for himself and his megarich donors. No thanks!
COVD wrecked the economy, dipshit. His biggest mistake was listening to leftists like Fauci and the CDC.
Another lie and a recycled one at that. They all have mega-rich donors, dumbass.
Part of being president is handling a crisis for which your cult leader Trump failed.
His ideas about injecting disinfectant, not warning the country about the virus in its early weeks which allowed it to spread, downplaying its danger which allowed 400,000 more Americans to die needlessly, refusing to follow the pandemic handbook created by two former presidents to contain pandemic in early stages, refusing to listen to doctors and scientists which allowed it to spread, infect and kill Americans show how incompetent he was.
I know that ebola and mpox have both resurfaced, but competent Biden has contained them. If Trump were president now, they would've both spread uncontained throughout the U.S. and world.
Meanwhile Biden fixed Trump's recession with millions of new jobs, strong economy, lowered poverty and healthy stock market.
Again, nothing but lies.
Trump didn't downplay it. Obama downplayed his outbreaks until Americans were dying. Months longer than Trump took action. Then everything Trump tried to do, people like you fought him on it. He stopped travel from China, you cried. You railed against the mere idea that the virus came from the lab. Then guess what, it came from the lab. He stopped travel from terrorist hot spots, you cried. If Biden had been in office when COVID broke out, we'd still be in lockdown because they'd be in lockstep with corrupt Fauci/CDC and the economy would be even worse.
Trust the science, you can't stop a fucking virus. Your masks don't work. Your vaccines don't work. Your social distancing doesn't work. None of that shit works.
Monkeypox only affects degenerate buttfuckers that people like you empower. No buttfuckers, no monkeypox. Or AIDS for that matter.
The recession was caused by COVID and the lockdown, not Trump. You mean the jobs they lie about? Any new jobs are a result of the economy rebounding after COVID fizzled out. Biden can't take credit for that. In fact, no democrat can ever take credit for anything positive with the economy. Biden's economy is responsible for rampant inflation and some things costing DOUBLE what they did just a few years ago. It's a fucking disaster and the recent drop in interest rates is proof of that.
>Trust the science, you can't stop a fucking virus. Your masks don't work. Your vaccines don't work. Your social distancing doesn't work. None of that shit works.
The vaccines verifiably did have an impact in mitigating the symptoms of COVID for most people.
Trump saved billions of lives around the World, thanks to the Trump vaccine.
shareTrump did not personally make any vaccine.
sharewho was president when the vaccine was created?
shareDoes not matter. Trump did not make the vaccine. He ticked boxes giving it lots of funding.
You'd think that'd make half the anti-vaxxers here hate him, but apparently not.
No they didn't. The virus has a 99% survival rate and you true believers completely ignore the side effects of the "vaccine".
Oh yes, by all means let's go to the NIH for the truth. Puhleeze.
shareAnd what sources should we use then?
shareAnywhere but the people who funded the creation of the virus and lied about its origin for three fucking goddamned years.
shareAnd so what sources come under "anywhere" here? What data are you referring to, or are you suddenly an expert in COVID and virology?
Has a virus ever been isolated from nature? Yes or No?
Don’t cite any bullshit lies from internet scriptures.
>Has a virus ever been isolated from nature? Yes or No?
Yes. What's your point? I'll ask: Where is your data?
>Don’t cite any bullshit lies from internet scriptures.
When you give me a source (not that you ever do), can I dismiss it as "internet scripture"?
So you're ready to trust known liars? Typical liberal fuckwit.
shareWhat lies are you referring to?
shareAre you retarded?
"Anywhere but the people who funded the creation of the virus and lied about its origin for three fucking goddamned years."
When you claim they funded it, are you claiming they funded research specifically in the knowledge, and with the endorsement of some plan to unleash it on the world? Or just that research was funded and it went wrong down the line, and got out?
These differences matter.
Shouldn't we be asking that question?
I'm asking you. What are you claiming here exactly?
shareI'm not claiming anything, except that we should be asking hard questions. Not just pretending like it didn't happen. Don't you think it's strange that millions of people are dead but no one is demanding accountability?
What we KNOW is that Obama's NIH shill Fauci signed off on the research that developed the COVID virus. It was illegal to do here to they sent it to China. After the outbreak, those same people lied about the origin of the virus for three years. They lied about the research they funded. They lied about the origin. Why do you think that is?
>I'm not claiming anything, except that we should be asking hard questions. Not just pretending like it didn't happen. Don't you think it's strange that millions of people are dead but no one is demanding accountability?
A global pandemic happened. What accountability are you expecting? You think it was unleashed deliberately? For what purpose?
>What we KNOW is that Obama's NIH shill Fauci signed off on the research that developed the COVID virus. It was illegal to do here to they sent it to China.
Any evidence that whatever Fauci allegedly helped fund or support was illegal in the USA?
What accountability? Anything. Answers would be a start. Notice that millions of people died and no one is asking these questions? I didn't say it was deliberate but we do not know.
It's undeniable fact that gain of function research was(is) illegal in the US and that is why it was moved to Wuhan, China.
>What accountability? Anything. Answers would be a start. Notice that millions of people died and no one is asking these questions?
Primarily because however it came about, it came about in China. What can we do about them?
Petition your representatives to investigate it.
Same thing we do with every other nation that does shit we don't like. Sanctions. Why don't we? Because Biden is in China's pocket.
shareChina, much like the USA is pretty unsanctionable at scale. What are you even proposing? A mass US-based demands of permanent boycott of all goods from China?
>Because Biden is in China's pocket.
Any thoughts on Elon Musks comments about Taiwan?
If Biden was in China's pocket, why hasn't he abandoned Taiwan entirely?
The NIH is funded by the same shills responsible for the scamdemic and death jab.
Oh, and the survival rate was actually around 99.7%.
>The NIH is funded by the same shills responsible for the scamdemic and death jab.
You have still provided no evidence that it was a "scamdemic" or a "death jab".
>Oh, and the survival rate was actually around 99.7%.
What's your data?
And yet it's still higher survival rate for those who did get vaccinated.
And yet it's still higher survival rate for those who did get vaccinated.
>Anyone that tested positive (especially false positive) was coded and counted as a covid death regardless the cause of death (this means they died "with" covid not "of" covid).
I said that the survival rate for the average person who contracted COVID was better if they were vaccinated and all data points back this up. Where is your data, fuckface?
>Death toll from the death jab is 22+ million and injury is much higher.
Zero evidence from you has ever been provided for this.
I said that the survival rate for the average person who contracted COVID was better if they were vaccinated and all data points back this up.
>Any medical journals, papers, fact checkers and propaganda that says such is a lie.
Based on what? What is your basis for claiming it is a lie? Are you in the field?
Why should I trust your claims over the claims of almost every single medical professional and research, public health body and statistican on earth?
Bullshit. Everyone I know who got vaccinated and later contracted COVID was far sicker than we were without the clot shot. Mere months apart. Now they have cancer.
shareAnd I have the opposite experience. So why are your anecdotes more valid than mine?
And you are genuinely claiming that every single person you know who got vaccinated has cancer?
Uh, yeah. Fuckface.
shareI think you're just a lying piece of shit there.
shareWell, you'd be wrong, in addition to stupid.
shareSo you genuinely believe that most of the world now has cancer, do you?
shareNo but there has been a connection made between the COVID vaccines and fast growing "turbo cancer".
shareCan I see the studies that back this up?
shareYou don’t seem to have any issues finding and citing propaganda or biased sources so you shouldn’t have issues finding the truth for once.
shareHe made the claim, not me. I'm not bound to disprove his claims.
Either he has the data, or he can fuck off.
You don't have to disprove anything; it's called "verifying", but you're too chickenshit and cowardly to verify anything, ever.
Your only goal on this forum is to gaslight with lies, denialism, deflections and sophistry.
It's not my responsibility to "verify" his claims. He made them, he backs them up.
He must have data, so I'm asking for it.
>Your only goal on this forum is to gaslight with lies, denialism, deflections and sophistry.
Name a single lie, fuckwit.
No one here gives a shit what self-imposed burden you placed on yourself because of claims made by others on this forum.
No one here expects you to prove or disprove anything.
You can verify at your own discretion or you can STFU about our claims.
>No one here gives a shit what self-imposed burdens you placed on yourself because of claims made by others on this forum.
Good for you. I also don't give a fuck about your demands I "verify" the bullshit claims you make up. I don't answer to you.
>No one here expects you to prove or disprove anything.
Good for you.
>You can verify at your own discretion or you can STFU about our claims.
I will do whatever the fuck I like.
You don't like it? I don't give a fuck. Put me on ignore if it upsets you so much.
I also don't give a fuck about your demands I "verify"
I don't give a fuck what you demand, suggest, or want me to do. I don't answer to you.
>You're either the biggest imbecile in existent or the biggest liar.
How? And what am I lying about? Still waiting, asshole.
I don't answer to you.
>And no one here answers to you.
Don't care. I'll still ask for evidence if claims about reality are made. No matter how much you whine like a bitch.
Stop replying to me and/or put me on ignore if it upsets you so, you little whiny baby
You troll others and they will troll you in return, it's that simple.
Begging me to put you on ignore will not work, nice try.
I'm not trolling anyone. Asking people to back up their claims is not trolling. Just another word out of many you don't know the meaning of.
>Begging me to put you on ignore will not work, nice try.
I'm not "begging" you to do that. It's advice if my presence upsets you so.
"The virus has a 99% survival rate"
For me to believe that number, do I also have to believe that China only had 5,272 deaths?
Weren't there photos everywhere at the time, millions of burial urns stacked everywhere in China?
1% of 331 million is 3.3 million.
Hindsight is always 20/20.
Anyone that tested positive (especially false positive) were documented as a covid death regardless the cause of death (this means they died "with" covid not "of" covid).
You people fall for every lie and deception from the establishment.
>Anyone that tested positive (especially false positive) were documented as a covid death regardless the cause of death (this means they died "with" covid not "of" covid).
You still haven't provided any evidence for an appreciable amount of false positives.
Trump should campaign for a new national memorial monument in Washington DC for all the martyrs that died from the Covid vaccines.
shareWho the fuck is talking about China? You actually believe any of the information that comes from a communist country without access to the internet?
Even the CDC reports a 98.1% survival rate among all age groups.
Lazy people
shareHardworking Haitians i Springfield are suffering now because of Trump's racist lie.
shareThat's a fucking joke. Trump's comment is shining a light on the horrible conditions in Springfield, a direct result of the assholes people like YOU vote for.
shareImagine creating a lie to get attention... I'm not the CEO of Microsoft but, how else would you have noticed I was proficient in Excel?
It that's where we're at then the left should do it also and just call it a joke to point to all the bad things, Trump.
Creating a lie? It wasn't a lie. We still don't know the truth of the cats & dogs aspect of it but there is some horrendous shit going on there that 'they' don't want us to know about.
The left lies all day long.
Again, please explain the racial aspect of this issue.
How will lazy people suffer under Trump?
shareThe Dems will file one lawsuit after another for the next 4 years while the NY AG Leticia James will grow even fatter after Trump wins from overeating out of sheer nervousness she'll lose her job after the bullshit she along with her other fellow "Deep State" paid Attorney's put him through just to keep him from winning and they will be up shits creek without a paddle as well
shareUkrainian sovereignty. Ukraine civilians. (He calls a few migrants in the US a full scale invasion and a war Americans must wage while justifying Russia's actual invasion, murder and plunder in Ukraine by claiming to prefer "peace" aka the capitulation of his daddy vlad's neighbours)
The people in the neighbouring countries that Trump approves Israeli invasion of. (And his cult followers claim Trump is the bringer of peace)
That’s one hell of a third eye you have for predicting shit.
shareChild groomers